I sigh dramatically at my math teacher as she hands me back my test results. Seriously, she gives me a gold star for getting 100%? What is this, the third grade? Although I cant help but feel satisfaction, being the only student in the classroom to get a gold star.
I smirk when I see Jared's test results and how he is playing it off cool but secretly worrying over it. I actually don't know how it feels to get horrible test results...I've had good grades as far as I can remember. Judging by Emelia's reaction though, it must suck to get bad results. Eh, their fault for not studying!
I look at my watch and notice that the bell will ring in precisely 45 seconds so I pack up my stuff and check my timetable to see that I do in fact, have English next. How fun considering the fact that we have a fucking group assignment to do and EVERY group assignment I do, I have to be paired up with Jared! I glare at Jared but see he's too busy flirting with an......orange girl? Looks like somebody let the oompa loompa's in...
I get up out of my seat when I hear the bell ring and walk to the English classroom, trying to remember if we were assigned homework last lesson. Eh fuck that! It's year 12, we have to study for the HSC and shit like that! I walk through the doorway and smile when I see a substitute instead of 'I've-got-a-stick-up-my-own-ass Mr. Johnson'.
Maybe this way we wont be informed about the pending assignment which means I wont have to be paired up with Jared the jackass. I smile at the thought and sit in the middle of the classroom, not really expecting anyone to sit next to me but secretly wishing that maybe someone will sit next to me.....as long as they're not annoying as hell and fucking copycats.
Like just because I have a 4.0 (bitches, they don't call me a nerd for nothing) doesn't mean that I get everything right...and it sure as fucking hell does NOT mean you can copy my well thought-out answers and write that out instead of your originally intended "Google it".
With an answer like that, I don't see a bright future for you. Not even Google can save your ass when the time for writing a college essay comes bitch.
I copy down all the work from the board which isn't easy when the fucking teacher writes their h's like n's. Especially in English...but with a class like mine, I suppose not enough are awake to fucking realize the 25894 fucking spelling errors on the board.
Worse still, I don't think it was a trick to determine who is awake and paying attention...I genuinely think she doesn't realize her mistakes. I bet the fucking principal called her off of yellow pages or something because she sure as hell cannot be an English teacher. Wait...what is she holding and why is there a sign up sheet next to it...one that looks like the one you sign when you get an assignment...bitch better not be giving our group assignment out now!
"Students, please listen up. This is an assignment that your normal teacher has asked for me to hand out. It is a partner assignment, I think she said. However, she has arranged your partners so do not get too excited. All the instructions are on the sheet and you will spend the rest of the lesson working with your partner. I will now tell you your partners" I groan out loud and glare at the wall....
Stupid wall! Who the fuck does it think it is?! Seriously, just standing there...that bitch!
It doesn't have to deal with a Jared....or a fucking class of assholes that will probably call them in the next ten years looking for a job in your company, because they spent all their time fucking bullying you and enjoying stupid things instead of studying and making their future for themselves.
The fucking wall doesn't care though....its a wall. Its always been a wall and nothing will change that, even though it might sometimes want to be a shoe or something...but its a wall and it's better of as a wall.
The sass is real
Teen FictionSass with a dash of class might as well be my motto. I live with absolutely no filter on my mouth or actions which isn't the best considering I'm a 'nerd'. Who said nerds can't fight back? Somebody needs to stand up to those bitches. Since nobody is...