chapter 2: ash grey

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I was looking at the back of a boy with ash grey hair. Where am I? I looked around. There was nothing but absolute darkness. Nothing was visible except for the boy. He is probably the only one, or per say only thing here. I walked towards him, trying not to make any sound. Just as I was about to tap on his shoulder, he turned around. He had a pair of familiar eyes, a shade of unbelievably light brown, and extremely familiar. Min Yoongi. The name passed through my mind. What is he doing here? "Yoongi? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" I asked. He didn't react. It was liek he couldn't hear me. I opened my mouth to call out his name again, but before I could, I heard another voice. "Aira, wake up! You are going to be late to school!" Wait. School?

My eyes flew open. Mama* was drawing open the curtains in my room. I looked around again. My familiar pastel walls and my art journal lying on the table next to me. I sat up, still puzzled about the dream. "Aira, hurry up! You don't want to be late for your first day of school!" Mama nagged agin. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. I looked into the mirror. It's been 2 days since the little accident happened, but that guy, Min Yoongi is still stuck in my head. I shook my head and got rid of the thoughts and quickly got ready.

Today was my first day going to school in Korea, and I was quite excited. I quickly got ready, had breakfast then left the house. I was about to leave my neighbourhood when someone called my name. "Aira! Nice to see you!" I turned around. It was Mrs. Min, one of my neighbours. Over the past 2 days, i got to know my neighbours better and Mrs. Min was the friendliest among all of them. "Good morning Mrs. Min!" I replied.

"Aira, are you going to school? Do you even know your way around Seoul yet?" Mrs. Min asked. "Ummmmm..." "I knew it! Since you go to XXXX High School, I can ask my son to take you to school! You guys go to the same school, what luck!" "Wait- what? You had a son? And how did you even know what school I was from?" "Yes, also your guys' school uniform is really unique because of the colour, so of course i refinished it! Anyways, just wait here for a while, you don't want to be late for your first day. YOONIE! ARE YOU DONE? WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING TO TAKE SO LONG?!" Yoonie? Wait. Min Yoonie. It's a girl's name, but if you make it the boy version, isn't it Min Yoongi? "Wait-" I told Mrs. Min, but her son had already came out of the house.

Ash grey hair and brown eyes. It was him. "Yoongi?" "Aira?" We stares at each other with widened eyes before he snapped at his mom,"What is she doing here? And how does she have my school's uniform?" "Well, Aira goes to your school too! Since she doesn't even know her way around Seoul yet, just take her to school with you please!" I just stood there awkwardly and looked at Yoongi and Mrs. Min having a stare down. He looked so angry I was literally scared for my life. "Um, actually, Mrs. Min, I can go to school by myself-" I said awkwardly. "NO! You might get lost! Just let Yoongi take you!" She replied. Let Yoongi take me? He looks so angry right now I am scared for my LIFE there is NO WAY I am letting him take me to school while being so mad! My life will not be in good hands. PLUS, it will be too awkward. "Actually-" I smiled awkwardly and said but was cut off. "Forget it, I'll take Aira to school, happy now?" Yoongi cut in. Mrs. Min sighed and just told us to leave quickly or we were going to be late.

Yoongi got his bike out and I sat at the back of his bike. "Thanks for offering to take me to school," I said, looking down due to embarrassment of what happened that day. "I didn't want to, but I was gonna be late. Also, if you fly off the bike, don't blame me." He then started cycling. RUDE! Just when I was thankful for his existence, he had to say something mean. The morning wind was quite nice, but all I could focus on was his hair. Yoongi somehow reminded me of a cat.

After a few minutes, we reached the school. It was huge and there were many students walking through the gates. He stopped the bike a bit of distance away from the gate and we got off and he walked pushing the bike. He turned and looked at me. "I will bring you to school every morning, but don't bother me otherwise." He then walked into the crowd and left me there alone. That baka*! I cursed him silently. Then, I realised how lost I was. The school was really big and it was hard to even find the General Office.

Just when I was feeling really lost, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a boy around my age standing opposite me. He had messy brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Hey, you kinda looked lost, are you new here? I haven't seen you around before." He asked. "Yea, I'm a new transfer student, so it would be amazing if you can tell me where do I go and report or collect my schedule." I smiled. "Yea no problem. What's your name anyways? You aren't local right? I can tell from your Korean." He asked. "Yea, I'm from Japan so I'm sorry if my Korean isn't exactly perfect. My name is Aira Sato, what about yours." We had started walking and I asked while walking. "Oh. Konnichiwa* then, watshi no namae wa Jeon Jungkook desu*." He said while smiling.

*notes: mama is a japanese way of calling mother
-baka means idiot in japanese
-konnichiwa is a form of greeting in japanese
-"watashi no namae wa Jeon Jungkook desu."       means "My name is Jeon Jungkook." in japanese

author's notes: I am so sorry for not updating in such a long time! I was just so busy with school work and all. Random fact, I run out of inspiration to write whenever I feel stressed :( Anyways, please suggest how I can improve in the comments and vote for the chapter! Also, go read sugarymochiiiii 's recent fanfic, My Fake Boyfriend! Thank you and do anticipate a new part soon! (*''*)

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