chapter 3: bangtan sonyeondan

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"Your Japanese is amazing! Thank you for helping me, again." I said. It was rare to see someone fluent in Japanese in Seoul. He ran his hand through his hair and gave me a shy smile. "Anyways, we are here already. You can go in to report and I will wait for you out here." Jungkook told me. I looked in front of me. I didn't realise we were at the general office already. "Okay, thank you!" I gave him another smile. Maybe today was not that bad of a day after all.

I entered the general office and told them my name and grade. They then passed me my schedule and told me, "Your class is 3-XX and it's in XX building," the lady helping me told me. "Okay, thank you!" I thanked her and left the general office. When I exited the general office, I saw Jungkook surrounded by some girls. He looked really uncomfortable. The moment I looked to his direction, he saw me and shouted out my name,"Aira!" He walked out of the crowd and came over to me. "Are you ready? Let's go," Jungkook said to me. The group of girls glared at me and I nodded quickly, wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible too.

After we reached the building my classroom was located at, I asked Jungkook,"What was that about?" "Nothing, I'm kind of used to it already. Anyways, Which class are you in?"He replied "I'm in class 3-XX,"I answered. "Really? I am in that class too, what a coincidence," Jungkook said excitedly. I smiled. Now I don't have to make new friends and I can just stick with Jungkook. What a relief. Just then, the school belle rang. "I think we should run now," Jungkook said. We then started running off to class.

Time skips to during recess

"Ring..." Half of the school day is finally over. My brain was exploding. I know Korean, but I am still not the best at it. I was kind of getting bored out during class, but since Jungkook was sitting next to me,(totally not cliché you know) class was not that bad. As everyone was leaving the classroom, I asked Jungkook,"Kookie, you don't mind me going to recess with you right? I don't really want to make friends yet so is it convenient for me to stick with you?" His eyes widened,"Kookie? Since when did we agree to that nickname?" I shrugged,"I find it cute." He sighed,"Yea, you can stick along, I don't mind, but in return I need to have a nickname for you too." "How about Aira-chan? In Japanese, you call someone "chan" when they are your friends." I told him. He nodded and we left the classroom.

We were busy talking and I didn't even notice which table we were walking to. "Hyungs! I'm here!" Kookie waved towards one of the tables in the cafeteria. I turned around and I saw 5 other boys. 3 of them had uniforms that had ties with them and the other 2 wore the same uniform as Kookie (they didn't have ties)

We walked over to their table and I sat down. "Kookie, you are too young to get a girlfriend and I hope you realise that," the boy with broad shoulders said, shaking his head. "Jin hyung, Aira-chan is not my girlfriend! Also I am 16, so technically I AM." Kookie argued, face slightly pink. The boy just rolled his eyes and Kookie shook his head. The boy opposite me wearing glasses said, "Ignore them 2 idiots. Hi Jungkook's friend. I'm Taehyung, this thing sitting beside me is Jimin. The boy that argued with Kookie is Seokjin, the one listening to music is Hoseok and the one reading is Namjoon." "Well nice to meet you guys!"

"So like, are you guys a group or?" I asked Taehyung. He gave me a boxy smile and replied, "I'm glad you asked. Well, we are not one yet, but we want to be. We currently call ourselves Bangtan Sonyeondan and all 7 of us are trying out for this new company Bighit's audition and we hope we can debut as a group." Ahh. I see. Wait. "Seven? But there are only six of you here..." "Don't bother about the other one, he is just always making music." Seokjin interrupted. Just as I was about to ask more, the class bell rang and we all headed off to class. It was later that I found out from Kookie that Taehyung and Jimin were a year older than him, and Hoseok, Seokjin and Namjoon were all in Year 3, that's why they were wearing ties.

During the rest of the day, I couldn't stop wondering who the other one was. What would he look like? Who is he? "AIRA SSI" a loud voice called out my name. I dropped my pen and looked for the source of the voice. I looked back at the blackboard and saw my teacher giving me a death glare. Not a good thing.

"This is the TENTH time i've called your name and you ignored me. I know you are new but DETENTION FOR YOU!"

Sigh. I mean, it could be worse, couldn't it?

Author's notes: I am so so sorry for not updating in so long!!! I was really really busy with school (wow my vocab wheeze) and I just forgot to post this chapter even tho it was already written. Do comment things I can improve on and all suggestions about the story will be taken into consideration!! This is a filler chapter but something fun will be coming soon!

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