chapter 4: detention

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Aira's POV
*time skip to detention*
When I went to detention, I saw Yoongi there too. I sat as far as I could from him. He was sleeping in detention. Does he just sleep everywhere? I sat down and started doodling on my notebook.

About half an hour later, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned back and saw Yoongi. "Do you want to get an even longer detention? Go back to your seat-" I hissed. He pointed to the teacher who was deep asleep. "Oh" "Do you want to go somewhere instead of staying here?" He asked. Wait, is Min Yoongi being nice to me? What happened to him? "But don't you think that the teacher would notice? I mean he would sure wake up at the end when we are supposed to be released." I asked. "It's okay, we're not leaving school. We can just come back after awhile." He answered. I was about to ask where we were going when he just grabbed my hand and ran out of the room, dragging me behind him.

"Okay, we're here." He said. I looked at the door in front of me. It just looked like a regular storage room. He opened up the door and to my surprise, I saw some other people. they looked so familiar. wait-


We exclaimed at the same time. When i looked around again, I realised that Namjoon was also here. "Oh, annyeong aira," He said. "Oh you guys already know each other?"Yoongi asked and I just explained what happened after I got ditched by him in the morning. "Suga hyung, how do you know Aira-chan?" Kookie asked. "Oh we're neighbours," I answered for him. "Ah. Anyways, welcome to the bangtan sonyeondan hideout!" Kookie said. Wait, was yoongi the last member they were talking about? "Yoongi, are you the last member of BTS?" He nodded. I was amused. He didn't look like the music type AT ALL. "Suga hyung is one of the BEST RAPPERS ON EARTH!" I suddenly heard someone say. I turned around and saw Taehyung. When did he get here? He gave yoongi one of his boxy smiles, and I could have sworn I saw Yoongi grin. "Suga hyung, show Aira one of your songs!"

That was how the rest of my time was spent. Taehyung and I listened to Yoongi's songs, and Taehyung was fanboying like mad. Namjoon was just writing and Kookie was practicing his vocals. "Wah, I didn't know Yoongi could make music! he doesn't look the type." Just then, I received a notification. It was just a instagram notification, but then i saw the time.

"YOONGI! LOOK AT THE TIME!" I exclaimed. "Oh no" We ran down as fast as we can, but we came face to face with the teacher. He gave us a glare. "That's it. Detention for tomorrow too." He then left. I whined and went into the classroom, collapsing on my seat. "Yah pabo, hurry up. I still have to bring you home," Yoongi said. I whined again. I packed my bag, then we left the classroom. I was still whining the whole way. "Whyyyy, I don't want another detention," I pouted. "It's okay, that means you'll get to listen to more of the songs tomorrow." Yoongi comforted me. I sighed. That was comforting, but why was Yoongi suddenly so nice? This morning he literally- never mind. 

We got onto his bike and after a short time, we arrived. I got off his bike but accidentally tripped. I was so close to the floor when Yoongi caught me. Our faces were only an inch away from each other's. I started freaking out. "Yoon-Yoongi let go of me," I managed to stammer out a few words. I felt myself land on the floor. "OUCH! What's that for?" I rubbed my back and asked. "You told me to let go," Yoongi just replied calmly. "I just didn't want things to end up like last time! That was my first kiss!" I whined while getting up. I brushed the dirt off my skirt and looked at Yoongi again. He was obviously annoyed. "Not even an apology? Okay, but you did take my first kiss," I said.

Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. My heart was beating out of my chest. What was this baka thinking? "Isn't it just a first kiss? I'll return it to you." Before I could react, Yoongi's lips landed on mine. My eyes were wide open and I was dumbfounded. After a few seconds, he pulled away. My hands immediately shot up to touch my lips. Did I just kiss him again? Why did he kiss me again? Did he just take my second kiss too? My face was burning and I couldn't think. I just dashed up the stairs, still able to hear a faint  "See you tomorrow, Aira-chan."

I unlocked the door and dashed into my house at lightning speed, closing the door and leaning against it. "Aira-chan, do you have a fever? Your face is so red!" Mama asked. It was then that my brain has started functioning again. "Y-yeah mama, i-it's just a little h-hot outside." I gave her a faint smile, hoping she won't detect anything. Mama just walked away and I ran to my room, jumping onto my bed. Another question popped into my head.

Did Yoongi take the wrong pills today?

Author's Note: If you are still reading this, thank you SO MUCH!! I ma personally not even sure of where this is going anymore, and I am sadly unable to come up with any ideas. Please stick through with my crusty writing until I have another idea! Thank you SO MUCH!!'
-non edited
-published on: 23 June 2019

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