Chapter 1

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Y/n= your name
F/c = fur color
C/c= color choice
F/f= favorite food
Ok that's all UwU let the story begin:

You put on your c/c hoodie and grabbed your bag. Alfred looked over at you.

"You finished packing? I'm done with my stuff." Alfred said as he grabbed a granola bar off his kitchen counter and started to munch on it.

"Ah, yeah! I'm ready!" you jumped towards Kao who was finishing zipping up his bag of chips.

"How about you Kao? You ready?" you asked the little cinnamon roll.

"Yes! I'm super duper ready! I can't wait to go to the...the.... um, Alfred? Where are we going again?" Kao stopped jumping and turned to Alfred.

"Really Kao? How could you forget that we're going to the spoooookky hospital?" Alfred made a spooky voice as he leaned close to Kao, making jazz hands.

"Haha. Very funny Alfred. Your just trying to scare me! But I know better then that, so HA!" Kao crosses his arms, proud that he didn't fall for one of Alfred's tricks (again).

"Um. Kao, we are actually are going to a hospital. A abandoned one to be specific. We told you that we were going to film it remember?" You said as you couldn't believe that Kao could forget about it already.

"Um... no? I thought we were going to a restaurant. " Kao said nervously.

Alfred rolled his eyes and sighed. He went back to eating his granola bar. You chuckled and grabbed your camera off the kitchen table. You checked the battery and memory, it was all set.

"Alrighty! I got my camera ready! What time is it Alfred?" You asked as you put your camera into your bag.

"It's 1:28. We should get going now since it'll probably take half an hour to get there. " Alfred said as he threw the granola bar wrapper into the trash and headed towards the door.

"Okay then let's go!" You said as you followed behind Alfred and Kao trailing behind you.

Alfred got in the drivers seat and you and Kao got in the back seats, since it was your and Kao's favorite place in the car.

Alfred started driving and Kao opened his bag of chips and ate them while you stared at the passing trees outside of the window.

~ time skip like 10 minutes ~

Kao groaned loudly and shifted around in his seat, obviously very bored.

"Are we there yet?" Kao asked Alfred while tapping on the window.

Alfred sighed. "No Kao, we are not there yet. We're not even close"

Kao groaned louder and begin to change positions in his seat.

"Hey Kao, why don't you take a nap? I think it'll be easier for all of us if you just nap through the whole car ride" you suggested to Kao.

"But I'm not sleeepyyyy!" Kao wailed and threw his hands up in the air.

You and Alfred groaned.

You and Kao got into a argument about something that you couldn't remember since you fell asleep. You were really tired of arguing that you just wanted to leave all of it.

~ time skip ~

"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up wake up! We're here!" Kao squealed excitedly as he shook you awake.

You saw Alfred opening the car door and getting out. You groggily rubbed your eyes and stretched.

"Cmon y/n! It's time to film!" Kao shouted shaking you more.

Suddenly everything came back to you. Abandoned hospital, camera, films...

"Ah, yeah! I'm up!" You said jumping up and opening your door, excitement filling you up.

You quickly grabbed your camera and closed the car door. Kao and Alfred were already walking down what seemed to be a old, barely visible path.

"Hey guys! Wait for me!" You shouted at them, sprinting towards your friends.

Kao looked at your camera.

"Aren't you gonna start recording yet?" Kao asked poking the camera.

"Yep imma start now!" You said as you turned the camera on and set it up to record.


"Hey guys! Welcome back to another new video with my two best friends, Alfred and Kao! " you said facing the camera. You continued with your normal intro and informing your viewers about the adventure you and your friends were going to experience.

You and Alfred and Kao walked down the aged path, panning the camera around and taking turns handling the device.

"We're almost here guys!" Alfred said as he pushed a bush out of his way.

After pushing branches and ducking under spiderwebs you and Kao and Alfred came across a large decayed building.

"Ha... this is it...ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at are destination." Alfred puffed wiping some sweat off his fur.

"This looks kinda...unsafe....are you sure this is a good idea?" Kao asked nervously.

You had to admit the hospital did give a bit of a chill, but you didn't want to seem like a scaredy-cat.

"You scared Kao? If you want we could leave you in the car" Alfred said smirking a bit.

"N-no! I'm not scared! Pshhh! Who said I was scared? Haha I'm not scared of some old building!" Kao laughed nervously.

"Alright then let's go in!" You said as you pushed the decayed doors open.

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