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He hugged me from behind as I snuggled into his sturdy chest, feeling my smile stretch from ear to ear like that of a Cheshire cat. He rested his head in the crook of my neck, his breathing tickling my skin and causing me to giggle occasionally.

I leaned my head back, revelling in this idyllic feeling of total bliss and love.

Lazily, I turned around and cupped his face in hopes of serenely appreciating it, but I could barely see anything due to the sunlight that blazed bright behind him, deeming him as some holy essence.

"Mmm..." I hummed as I rested my forehead upon his, and although I couldn't see it, I knew he was smiling too.

Our lips brushed together, a kiss bound to happen less than a second away, when my alarm bell screamed with all its might.

I grunted and tapped my arm around the night stand in search of the damned infernal device, knocking it off the surface the moment my skin came in contact with the cool metal. Unfortunately, it didn't stop the ringing so I had to actually get out of my bed and rummage under it.

I finally turned it off after succumbing to the sheets again, trying to get my scrambled brain together.

The excitement grew inside of me as I remember that 2nd semester of university starts today. I always loved spring and I couldn't wait to resume my days in university with all the new interesting courses. I study Literaturology, so you can already guess that I'm a hopeless romantic that has created an impossible image of a perfect man.

I sighed, still feeling that idyllic warmth in my belly, the one that made me so happy in the dream.

As I was standing up, my phone unexpectedly rang again, making my whole body flinch and almost sprain my ankle.

I swear, I have the most complicated relationship with my phone.

Another surge of excitement roamed over me as I noted that it's my best friend Angela calling me.

"HEY BISH," she screamed as soon as I picked up. "Ready to go back to that hellhole again?"

I couldn't contain a giggle as I heard my best friend's voice and her particular... manner of speech again.

"More than ready," I answered, fiddling with trinkets on my nightstand. "How's LA?"

Angela was visiting her older brother who's moved there a few years ago, so I haven't seen her since forever.

"Oh, you know, dealt some drugs, got into a couple of gang fights –"

"Jesus, Angela," I laughed at her alleged shenanigans.

"Don't say 'Jesus' and 'Angela' at the same time!"

I laughed again, knowing full well that soon I'll be able to enjoy her dumb jokes again.

"Alright, I'd better get going or I'll miss my bus and –"

"WHAT are you even ranting about? I'll pick you up."

"You sure? We can just meet in –"

"Bitch, no, I'm picking you up. I'll die if I spend another hour without seeing your stupid face."

I laughed heartily. "I love you too, Angela."

After about twenty minutes Angela was repeatedly honking the horn and occasionally shouting some profanities, probably waking up the whole neighborhood. To shut her up I quickly threw some usual things into my bag and stormed out of the house.

Having gotten out of the car, she was already waltzing towards me. I couldn't contain my excitement so I yelped and ran to her, our bodies clashing into a major bear hug.

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