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"He went that crazy on you?" Angela squealed, a chunk of croissant falling out of her mouth.

"Yeah," I confirmed, gazing through the window, admiring the huge willow tree in the middle of the inner yard. "Mr. Hemmings saw everything."

This time she dropped the whole bun. "He was there too?"

I nodded weakly. "I'm so embarrassed..."

"How do you know he saw everything? Were you eye-shagging him and you saw that he's doing the same to you?"

I darted her a look equaling that of a sharp blade. "No, you perv. He sort of consoled me later."

"Oh God," she leaned her back on the wall and placed the back of her palm on her forehead. "It's starting to sound like an ultimate fairytale."

I gave a short laugh. "How so?"

She gaped as if choking on air. "H-how so?! Are you blind, or am I?"

I sighed, giving her a stern look. "Angela, he's our literature professor."

"Uh, yeah, and he's also devilishly handsome."

I shook my head. "You're crazy."

She continued ranting on about the romantic tales in real life, while I continued to gaze through the window.

"Speak of the devil," I thought when my eyes stumbled upon his tall frame, waltzing towards the entrance of Domus Philologiae.

For the next second I was the epitome of confusion – I felt something tickling in my stomach, then I mentally chided myself for feeling so, and then I felt shocked as to why I would even feel such things. Those feelings bubbled up inside of me, making the excitement of the anticipation grow even stronger.

He's coming to start our lecture, and frankly, I'm not sure I'm ready to face him yet, after yesterday.

I was becoming restless as I stood up from the window-sill I was sitting on, and Angela noticed that.

"You're looking around in a frenzy, you're blushing like crazy... are you about to throw up?"

I didn't manage to say anything when she seemed to realize what's going on. "Oooh wait... There's only a few minutes left till Mr. Hemmings' class and you're nervous."

I rolled my eyes. "Congratulations, you'll get a medal now."

I tensed up almost painfully when I heard a certain set of steps closing in.

Angela approached me and started poking me around. "Geez, relax, you're so tense you'll snap like a twig in a sec."

I gulped and couldn't help but immediately hang my head down when Mr. Hemmings appeared just around the corner.

Angela huffed and literally slapped my chin up, almost making me cry out.

All the girls perked up and huddled near the door, greeting Mr. Hemmings while he fetched the key in his pocket and started to unlock the door.

The students rushed in the class while he stood aside, allowing them to do so, and looking around, greeting them back.

I was so embarrassed because if not Angela, I literally wouldn't have moved a muscle to get into that class.

"Hello, Mr. Hemmings," Angela beamed as we approached the door.

"Hello, Miss Harris," he greeted her back before laying his eyes on my messed up self. "Miss Rose,"

I quickly paid him a glance and squeezed out what resembled a smile before rushing into the room and sitting next to Angela.

After a few moments after everyone settled down, the lecture began properly. He began talking about Shakespeare, and I listened intently, because that was truly the subject I was interested in.

Professor Hemmings // lrhWhere stories live. Discover now