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I really hoped that my new job will begin without any fuss, but man, girls are crazy these days.

They're so young, but I can feel how they devour me with their eyes. I'm not trying to sound narcissistic or something, but most of them are really bold of what they want, and I can clearly see that. And it's only been a couple of days...

The only thing that made me smile was that silly girl Miss Rose who literally almost knocked me off my feet on Monday.

I can't help but torment her when she sees me, just to elicit that confusion and timidity in her. Again, it's been only a couple of days, but she's an open book when it comes to feelings.

It helps me to break the tension between me, a professor, and students, because frankly, it still feels a bit weird. When you think about, I was a student myself until quite recently.

Now, I've had my share of girls, and for now I want to focus on becoming a trustworthy and eminent professor, but I can't help but let myself admit that it's going to be harder than I expected. Much harder. Especially if Miss Rose keeps bumping into me.

She seems to pop up everywhere I go, and truth to be told, I don't mind, even though maybe I should.

"Michael, stop staring at the girl." I mumbled, seeing him set his 'hunter gaze' on Gia Rose.

She looked like a proper, brilliant student that doesn't care about boys and reads her books. I hope she's naïve and innocent, so she couldn't guess what's going on in my head when I think about her.

Michael seemed intrigued by my remark as he instantly turned his head to me, a smile tugging at his lips. "Why? You know her?"

I sighed. "She's a student of mine."

"Goodness," he cursed under his breath. "Can I become a professor too? I'm excellent in sexology."

The guys laughed and we continued to chat, when this guy who just came in drew my attention, as he seemed to know Gia Rose.

She, however, was not so pleased to see him. A smile tugged at my lips as I regarded her attempts to ignore the guy, but immediately after I assessed the seriousness of the matter.

I realised that it's indeed something unpleasant to her as she began to get her things and left, but that wanker just didn't leave her alone.

Some protective instincts kicked in within me when I saw that he violently yanked her towards himself.

I was already getting up, ready to go and help her, when Calum and Ashton sat me down, the reality of the situation not really dawning on them.

"Whoa, mate, are you – are you going to kick his ass?" Cal asked while still holding his slightly extended hand towards me.

"Calm your ass, Hemmo, look – she left." Michael noted, slightly reveling in the alleged chaos that could've become of the situation.

"You really do have the hots for the chick," Ashton wondered, shaking his head and laughing silently.

"I do not," I retorted firmly. "Would you let the guy harass her?"

"She seemed perfectly fine." Michael shrugged his shoulders. "For a moment I thought she would kick him in the balls or something, but fortunately for him, she just left."

The guy came back and walked past us, annoyance evident in his features. I couldn't help but glare at him.

As the guys continued to chitchat on something, I kind of spaced out. Now that I think about it, it'd been really weird if I would've gone there and done something. I'm a professor, so I shouldn't meddle in her private affairs? But as a decent guy, I would definitely go there and help any girl in need.

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