The Kajiu King Part 8

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[Condor Sings Scene]

{The camera switches to a far view of Pride Mountain. Almost all of the coloring is in gray. Most of the plants and trees appear to be dead. We can hear Condor's first line and then the scene switches to a view of Condor and SpaceGodzilla. Condor is in a cage made of some animal's ribcage, singing. SpaceGodzilla is laying out on a rock picking his teeth with a bone.}

Condor: Nobody knows
The trouble I've seen
Nobody knows
My sorrow...
SpaceGodzilla: Oh Condor, do lighten up. {He tosses the bone at Condor and it clatters against the cage} Sing something with a little... bounce in it.
Condor: {Thinks a moment} It's a small world after all...
SpaceGodzilla: {Interrupting, almost shouting} No! No. Anything but that!
Condor: {Thinks, then holds up a feather as a tune comes to him.} I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts diddely-dee-dee There they are a-standing in a row...

{SpaceGodzilla is enjoying this and starts to join in}

Condor and SpaceGodzilla: Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...
Condor: {Stops while SpaceGodzilla continues} Oh... I would never have had to do this for Dagon.
SpaceGodzilla: {Quick and angry} What? What did you say?
Condor: Oh, nothing!
SpaceGodzilla: You know the law: Never, ever mention THAT name in my presence. I... am... the KING!

{SpaceGodzilla shoves his face between the ribs of Condor's cage on the last line. His breath blows Condor up against the wall.}

Condor: Yes, sire. You ARE the king. I... I... Well, I only mentioned it to illustrate the differences in your royal managerial approaches. {Nervous laugh}
Jay: {Offstage} Hey Boss!
SpaceGodzilla: Oh, what is it this time?
Jay: We got a bone to pick with you.
Sam: {To Jay} I'll handle this. {To SpaceGodzilla} SpaceGodzilla, there's no food, no water...
Jay: Yeah, it's dinner time, and we ain't got no stinkin' entrees.
SpaceGodzilla: {Exasperated} It's the huntresses job to do the hunting... {makes helpless gesture}
Jay: Yeah, but they won't go hunt.
SpaceGodzilla: Oh... eat Condor.
Condor: Oh, you wouldn't want me! I'd be so tough and gamey and... eeww...
SpaceGodzilla: Oh, Condor, don't be ridiculous. All you need is a little garnish.
Jay: {To Sam} I thought things were bad under Dagon.
SpaceGodzilla: {Quick and angry again} What did you say?
Jay: I said Dag...

{Sam is smiling at SpaceGodzilla and elbows Jay to remind him.}

Jay: I said, uh... "Qué pasa?"
SpaceGodzilla: Good. Now get out.

{The kajiuraptors start out but then pause}

Jay: Mm... yeah, but - we're still hungry.
SpaceGodzilla: Out!

{They run off; Ed lets loose a crazy laugh}

[Second Star Scene]

{The camera switches to a view of the jungle. We hear a monstrous belch reverberate across the landscape. The camera switches to Rodan, Anguirus, and Godzilla lying on their backs looking at the stars.}

Rodan: Whoah. Nice one, Godzilla.
Godzilla: Thanks. Man, I'm stuffed.
Anguirus: Me too. I ate like a pig.
Godzilla: Anguirus - you are a Kajiu-human.
Anguirus: Oh. Right.

{All three sigh deeply, in unison. Gentle music fades in.}

Anguirus: Rodan?
Rodan: Yeah?
Anguius: Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?
Rodan: Anguirus. I don't wonder; I know.
Anguirus: Oh. What are they?
Rodan: They're fireflies. Fireflies that uh... got stuck up on that big... bluish-black... thing.
Anguirus: Oh. Gee. I always thought that they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away.
Rodan: Anguirus, with you, everything's gas.
Anguirus: Godzilla, what do you think?
Godzilla: Well, I don't know...
Anguirus: Aw come on. Give, give, give .. Well, come on, Godzilla, we told you ours... pleeeease?
Rodan: Come on, come on... give, give..

{Cue "Lea Halalela" theme.}

Godzilla: {Reluctantly} Well, somebody once told me that the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us.
Anguirus: {Awed, either genuinely or mockingly} Really?
Rodan: You mean a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us? {tries to keep composure, then...} Pbbb.

{Rodan breaks out laughing. Anguirus joins in. Godzilla does half-heartedly.}

Rodan: Who told you something like that? What mook made that up?
Godzilla: Yeah. Pretty dumb, huh?
Rodan: Aw, you're killing me, Godzilla.

{The music rises again. Godzilla looks back up at the stars. He quietly gets up and leaves.}

Rodan: Was it something I said?

[Discovery Scene]

{The music continues. Godzilla walks out on a ledge and looks up at the stars. He then collapses to lay on the edge of the ledge. Milkweed floss is stirred into the air by his flop. The camera follows its path. It crosses the desert. Next we see Caesar's hand snatch some it out of the air. He sniffs it, grunts, and bounds down into his tree. He pours the milkweed into a turtle shell, sifts it around, and then eats from the same kind of fruit he anointed Godzilla with. Examining the milkweed floss again, realization dawns on his face.}

Caesar: Godzilla? He's- he's alive? He he- he's alive! {He laughs}

{Caesar grabs his staff. Laughing in delight, he picks up some paint and puts dorsal fins, and a crown on the smeared child image on the wall.}

Caesar: It is time!

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