Chapter 21-Having More Beer and Being Hungover

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Narrator:  Kath woke up early and made the boys breakfast. She called the boys to the kitchen to eat.

Kath: Hey guys! How was your sleep?

Narrator: All of the boys said that they slept fine. They all watched TV for a little while. After that, they all had to record and post a video. Luckily, Kath recorded and edited the video ahead of time so all see needed to do was post it. She went to get dressed and then after them being in their rooms for hours, it was 6:30PM and they were going out to the bar to have some fun.

Kath: How long are we going to be out for?

Elliot: As long as we want.

Kath: Okay cool.

Narrator: Kath was able to tell that Lannan was the most drunk of all of them. He said some fucked up shit. They all slurred their words at least a little bit.

Lannan: I put a sloth cock up my ass last night

Elliot: I ate cow shit.

Nathan: I want all of you to shut the slut up.

Narrator: The shit they said made no sense to Kath but she rolled with it.(above was on of the many drunk conversations they had)They all had a few beers. Later, Kath realized she needed to drive them all home because they would probably all be drunk. She drank the least out of all of them, but still a lot. She later did the same thing she did a few nights ago, carried them into her car and drove them home. She put them in the shelter just in case.

Lannan: What the hell happened last night?

Kath: I carried all of you into my car after you all got kicked out for being too drunk. To be honest, it was so funny. You all are dumbasses.

Brodey: That's funny.

Nathan: Why are we in the safety room?

Kath: In case the storm hit last night.

Lachy: Okay.

Elliot: Do we have EVERYTHING that we need?

Kath: I grabbed the last of it last night.

Lannan: Okay cool.

Kath: By the way Lannan, last night you said you put a sloth cock up you ass. Elliot said he ate cow shit and Nathan said he wanted all of you to shut the slut up.

Elliot, Lannan and Nathan: WTF?!

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