Chapter 24-Pregnant?!

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Marcus: Kath?! What's going on?! I can tell that you are not okay and I need to know why!

Kath: Marcus, I'm fine. Just need-

Marcus: I can tell you're not. You can tell me. It's okay.

Kath: I-I just feel like I need to call my mom back.

Narrator: Kath went straight to her phone to call her mom. Kath's Mom picked up right away.

Kath's Mom: What's wrong?!

Kath: Marcus keeps asking me to tell him! I can't! They're all going to be fucking pissed!

Kath's Mom: If you need to start yelling at them to stop, just yell it out. It's okay. They will understand.

Kath: No they won't!! I'm going to be forced to leave and will have no where to go!

Kath's Mom: You can come live with me if that happens but i guarantee that it won't! Calm down!

Kath:(starts crying) I can't! I can't fucking keep it to myself!

Kath's Mom: Wanna chat with your brothers?

Kath: Yeah, only for a few minutes.

Kath's Mom: Okay. There in a match of Fortnite so they may not talk that much.

Kath: That's fine.

Narrator: Kath's Mom called her brothers over and told them to come over and talk to her. Marcus started talking to her as they were on their way to the phone.

Marcus: Kath, WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!?!

Kath: Nothing!

Narrator: Kath's brothers were at the phone.

Kath's Brothers: Kath?! What's wrong?!

Kath: (whispers) There's a chance I may be pregnant.....

Kath' s Brother: If you are, we all support you.

Kath: Thank you all so much. I really needed that because some of us might not.

Kath's Brothers: If they don't, I'm coming over.

Kath: Thanks. I got to go but I will talk to you all later.

Kath's Family: Bye!! We all love you!!

Kath: Bye!! Love you too!!

Narrator: Kath hung up the phone and turned to look at all of the boys.

Marcus: Kath, why won't you tell me what's wrong? I just tell me what is wrong?! You're starting to scare me now!

Kath: Marcus, I'm fine. my family just wants to make sure I'm okay. They are very protective.

Marcus: I know, but then why were you crying?

Kath: That was about something I can tell you all later when I'm ready. It's just that- oh shit.

Brodey: Kath, you look really sick. You're not okay and we all know it.

Kath: Do we have any pain killers?

Nathan: Yeah, we do. Here you go.(hands Kath 2 pain killers)

Kath: Thanks.

Narrator: Kath took the 2 pain killers. She said she needed to go to bed because she hasn't slept in a while. Elliot looked over to Marcus and noticed his eyes start watering and a tear fall down his face as he looked a Kath sleeping.

Elliot: Marcus, you okay?

Marcus: She's not okay and I can tell, but she won't tell me why. I thought she could trust me again.

Brodey: Seeing you cry makes me cry. She won't even tell me.

Lachy: Why can't she say what's going on?

Lannan: It's what girls are like.

Elliot: Have you even ever had a girlfriend before?

Lannan: Keep note that you saying that to the person who is dating your sister.

Elliot: Guess that's true lol.

Nathan: Let's ask her when she wakes up.

Marcus: Alright.

A/N: I don't know the name of Kath's brothers. Sorry for the chapter coming out later then I had planned.

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