Chapter 7 - Haven

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3 weeks later...


I winced.

Did I start my period?

Worst cramps ever...

Voices. Someone was talking. No... he was talking. I would recognize that voice anywhere. Calm, cool and collected. It was odd how clearly he enunciated given the fact that he hardly opened his mouth when he spoke. It was still a surprisingly soothing voice.

A female giggled. I blinked my eyes, forcing them to open. Who could possibly be giggling at my doctor?


...Of course.

Kara was my cousin and my best friend. Both of our parents were out of town most of our lives and the only family we really had was each other. She was tall and curvy with long, curly brown hair. You know, the type of hair a woman like me would kill for and the type of hair a woman like her would easily give away for free. She was abnormally pretty, with a kind face and big round eyes, the color of amber. I couldnt help but feel a little jealous as I watched her flirt with the doctor.

He, on the other hand, was not reciprocating it well at all. I noticed the forced smile. The clenched jaw. But his eyes? His eyes gave him away yet again. Something told me they would always betray his fake politeness. What came out of his mouth and what he really felt would be completely different and his eyes would be the tell tale sign. They would expose him every time. Exactly as they were doing right now.

Kara didnt notice. Well, if she did, she didnt care.

"Stop talking shit about me," I groggily mumbled. They turned their heads instantly, apparently startled I was awake. Doc looked relieved. Now whether it was because I just saved him from Kara's aggressive flirtation or because I was now conscious, I couldnt tell.

Kara swiftly came to my side, "Hey you," she exclaimed, "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" She asked earnestly. "Midol," I grumbled. Doc stifled a laugh. Kara frowned, "I dont think mixing that with morphine is the best cocktail idea, Hay."

"I was only half serious," I groaned as I tried to sit up in the uncomfortable hospital bed. All the money these places rip off from people and they cant afford better beds? Come on now...

I turned my attention to the doctor, "What did you do to me?" I winced, "I feel like I was hit by a train." His cheeks flushed, obviously not expecting me to address him. But, of course, he quickly recovered, "I apologize Haven, but you obtained a broken pelvis during the accident. Unfortunately, it was found a little too late and the bones started refusing themselves in that broken state. We had to corrected with surgery."

Kara leaned in and whispered, "In other words, Dr. Hottie fixed your cum gutter." She wiggled her eyes up and down suggestively.

I about choked.

"We should get you up and moving to prevent blood clots," Doc seemed uncomfortable. His arms were hanging by his sides, he was tapping his right wrist on his upper, outer thigh. Hm. Nervous tick?

But I couldnt keep my attention on him. I felt as if I should be remembering something. Something was missing... what was missing?

As if someone just smack me hard in the face, I gasped, "Nash!" How could I forget Nash? How could I ever forget Nash? I looked at Kara, her eyes wide and fearful, "Where is Nash?" I cried. "Um," now Kara appeared to be the uncomfortable one. She looked to Doc as if she needed permission. Or guidance? His expression was sad. His face grew pale.

Haven, Withstanding -The Traveler Series ✔Where stories live. Discover now