Mad now *

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"You've got to be kidding me. You guys better be kidding me. I'm only 16 years old"! I said, angry at them.

"What's the big deal"? She asked. "There's no really no difference then the other times we left you, It only longer". Trying to reason with me.

"So when are you guys leaving". I asked, pissed at them.

"Were leaving at 7:30pm tonight". My dad said.

"Why do you guys have to do this to me? You guys don't even love me. If you guys did, you won't go on so long business trips. You guys never really spend time with me, and if we do, all you two talk is about your job, not how am I am I passing school, am I doing all my school stuff". I said, I was so pissed right now, I probley looked as bright as a tomato.

"We do love you. We love you so much, more then anything in the world. We would do anything for you. Please do never ever say we don't love you. Father and I try our best, to make you happy". Mother said, trying to be caring, but I know is is all a act.

"Why do you keep lying to me Mom? Can't you tell the truth for once. You guys always do, like Mom; you always say how sorry you are for leaving you, and how you say you bought me something to say how sorry you are, I don't want any presents, I want a family who live with me all the time, not the family, that most of the time they are gone". I said, almost yelled at them, but I'm trying to keep my cool.

"I'm truly am sorry, I really try to be there for you Sophie". Mother said.

"Ya, I want to achilly spend time with you, I want to get to know you guys. I know nothing about you, the only thing I know about you guys is that you love your job more then you love your own daughter".I said really mad now.

"Fine we will go for dinner tonight then". My mom said.

"You promise"I said.

"Yes". My mom said.

"Okay". I said, half believing it.

"We will go at 4:30, so be ready by then". My mom said.

"Okay, well call me down when we are leaving". I said, and started to walk up stairs again.

'I really hope that they mean it, and not change there mind, or there busy'. I thought.

I turned on the Tv, and turned it to my favourite show, The vampire diaries, it was a repeat so I already watched it, but I didn't care at all.


I didn't even realize I fell asleep untill, I heard my mom calling me down stairs.

I cheaked the time 4:30, so I guess were leaving now.

I went down stairs.

"So were leaving"? I asked.

"Hunny we are so sorry, we just got called by my boss, and he told us that he wants us sooner, so we have to leave now". She said. "I really am sorry. I promise you when we get back we will take you out for supper then, we swear".

"You promised me, you should of never promised me. I had a feeling this would of happened."I said, pissed.

"We are so sorry". My mom said.

"But mother, you promised me, I thought you said you achilly love me, but I guess I was wrong". I said.

"We do love you". My mom said.

"Ya, you love your job more then you love me". I said, and walked off.

"We love you more then the job". I heard my mom say, before I put my shoes on, and walked out the door.


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