Grandmother *

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Sorry it been so long but here it is. And I did change the title, thanks to @AlyceWillough for the title idea.

And I'm going to start to do recaps, at least mostly every chapter if I remember.

And I'm looking for a good character for Sophia, and Mason, if you have any idea's, let me now, because I have no clue who they should be.



Sophie's pov

"Can you come here for a second". I said.

"Um ya one second". He said.

I heard shuffling around the kitchen.

"Ya what is it"? He asked, and looked at me.

"Umm". I said. "The news".

"Yes, what about the news". He said.

"You were on there". I said, shacking.

"Why"? He said.

"Your a missing person". I said.

"WHAT"! He said shocked.

"What are we going to do"? I said. "If we don't go to the cops about it, and they find you here I could go to jail, they would think that I kidnapped you".

"I'm going to go back to my house then". He said, and got up and started to walk to the door.

"Wait"! I said shocked.

"I have to". He said, and walked out of the door.


Sophie's pov

Am I really in love with you?

'OMG I can't believe this is happening to me, this can't be happening. Why does this have to happen, hes gone'. I thought.

"Why am I acting like this, I don't even barely now him". I said, and cried more.

"Oh because your in love with him". Someone said.

"No I am not". I said, and deafened myself.

"Yes you do". The same person said.

"No I do not, so stop saying I do". I said."And who are you"?

"Well just admit it already you do". someone said. "Let's just say my names Gracie".

"No I do not, I do not love him, I like him". I said, and true to make myself statement clear. "Where are you"?

"No your in love with him". I said. " And I'm not really there".

"That's impossible".

"No it's not". Gracie said.

"Ummm yes it is". I said, kinda freaked out.

"No it isn't". Gracie said.

"Am I dreaming"? I wondered.

"You will find out later". Gracie said.

"Why not now"? I asked.

"Because". Gracie said.

"So how do you now me"? I asked.

"Family". Gracie said.

"So I'm guessing your one of my parents clients"? I guessed.

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