Mall *

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Sopia's pov

I checked the time; it was 12:00pm.

"So are you ready to go"? I asked him, while we were sitting on the coach, watching tv.

"Ya". He said, and we got off the coach.

So I put my black flats on, and he put his DC shoes on, and went into the garage, where my car was.

"Nice car". He said, amazed, how nice of a car I had.

"My parents got it for me". I said, I barley drove my car, only if I can't get a ride some were, Carley drives me to school, I always tell her, I can drive to school, but she always demands to drive me to school.

"And you say they hate you". He said,not believing me now, that they hate me.

"They got it for a apology gift, saying how sorry they are for leaving me, and how they hate them selves for doing it, and they wish they didn't have to". I said; put the car in gear, and then felt a tear to down my cheek.

"Hey cheer up". He said. and cupped my face with the closest hand.

I just notised how cute his eyes were, they were golden brown.

I then felt me and him, lean closer and closer to each other, but then I noticed we were about to kiss; so I quickly moved my head away from his face. I could kiss him, I just met him, I barley even now him.

I checked the car mirror; I saw my cheeks, they were as red as a tomato.

"Okay lets go". I said shaky, I could barley talk right now, cuz of what almost happened, I don't now if I should be sad that it didn't happen or not.

It was a quiot ride there.

It was such a acward ride to the mall, we never talked.

I pulled into the closest parking space, that there was.

"Were here". I said, and got out of the car, still a bit shaky of what happened, but I could achilly talk right now.

"So what store do you want to go to first"? I asked."Do you shop at 'Hollister'"?

"Ya". He said, and we both got out of the vehicle.

We started to walk to 'Hollister'.

We got the clothes for him, and picked a couple of shirts for myself to.

'Beep beep'. I heard my phone ring.

I answered it, not even bother looking at the caller ID.

"Hello". I said, wondering who it could be.

"Oh hey Sophia". Kyle said. "I just wanted to see if you want to come over my house at five"?

"Ummm". I said. "How about you come over my house"? I asked.

"Ya sure, whats your address"? He asked me, I could hear shuffling of something comeing from his line, I'm guessing he is trying to find paper, and a pencil.

"2134 Sims drive". I said.

"Okay I will be there". He said. "Well bye".

"Okay bye". I said.

I clicked end.

"I hope you don't mind, but my friend Kyle's coming over". I said.

"No I don't at mind at all". He said. "You guys dating"? He asked.

"Noooo. He is just a friend, I met him yesturday, before I came home last night".

"Oh okay". He said. "I was just wondering".


Sorry its so short, but I just wanted to make another update, so what do you thinks gonna happen when he's coming over, any idea's, if you have any messige me, and I might use them if I like them, I have nown so, well you now what to do, comment, and vote.

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