I love you *

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Sorry been a long time but hope you like it


Sophie's pov

I don't now what I was thinking but I leaned up and kissed him. I missed his lips on mine. It felt like so long since I kissed him, even though I know it been a day or two. 

I could feel his warm lips on mine, and I could tell he missed me.

I wrapped my arms around him, and got close to him as possible. 

I pulled away, cuz I was breathless. But I left my fore head on his.

"I missed you". I said, and smiled into his eyes.

"I missed you to". He said, and looked at my lips, and then into my eyes.

"I missed you more". I said, jokeitivly,

"I know". He said. "I love you. I never been more sure of it in my intire life. Your my everything. When I met you, I knew from right there I had to have you. And all I want is you. I know my past is trouble, and that I use to think that I was worthless. But when ever I'm with you, I think Im not. And that nobody will ever love me, I know thats a lie, at least I hope so".

"I love you to". I said, and smiled, at what he said to me. "I know I thought I loved my other ex boyfriends, and I achilly believed they were the one. But I know right now that your the one for me. I can just feel it in my heart, that were meant to be together. I never really believed in soul mates, but if I did, I know me and you would me". 

"Just shut up and kiss me again". He said, and laighed.

So I kissed him, but this time it was more pashinite, and agressive kiss.

He grabbed my legs, and wrapped it around him. And he walled over to the wall, and pressed to there.

***(Sorry not good at explaining thoose parts, and I don't wont to lol) Next day***

We were in bed now, naked. I was looking at Mason sleeping silently beside me. I never felt like that before, its something about him, that I really like and I don't know what it is. 

I cheaked the time, 9:30am. I was wide awake. I woke up 30 miniutes ago, and couldn't fall asleep.

Then I just remembered I have school today, but I guess its to late now, well its not really, but I don't want to get out of bed. And I was supposed to call Carly last night to, when Mason and I arived home. She most think something is wrong.

So I texted her. 'Hey, sorry, forgot to call you last night. I am fine, I got Mason, so I guess you can tell Kyle the plan, if you havnt already did. Well I won't be at school today, well you prob already now that, so I guess this is it. Text me as soon as you now if he can do. God I hope he can'.

A couple of minutes went by, and I heard my phone buzz. 

'I already told him the plan. He will be there later on tonight, he said around 6:30-ish. I might come to, to chill with you. Well unless you don't want me to come then I wont. But I have to go now before Mr. Conners freaks at me, just in case he sees me. You now him, I swear he see everything'. Carly sent.

'Yes you can come over, you don't have to ask. Your like my sister. You never really have to ask to come over. Well tell him I said thx'. I sent back, and then I put my phone down.

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