An Insert from the Queen

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Warning: This insert from the Queen is sad and contains hoarse actions that would be looked down upon. The only part that I enjoyed writing was the end of this because it was very sad that the details had to go down this way.
As an author we all have to write parts of stories for our readers or because it also ties into the plot. Let this serve as a warning though.
Nothing will be happy in this chapter. 🙁


Wind slammed against the castle with force knocking the hanging lanterns off their post as Queen Tazlah brushed her long curly hair back. The days events had her rather tired and playing with her little niece Eleanor, had her exhausted.

She winked at herself in the mirror. She always had self-love for herself. Her brown skin had a glow to it, a sun kissed blush.

To foreigners she was known as the beautiful Queen, but also a sinner, because She was too "dark" to be married to a man that light. Whenever someone referred to her as being wrongfully married, she would say "Don't we all bleed red?" And it would shut them up every time.

"Hello" a voice said from the shadows of a corner in the room.

The Queen looked up from her mirror, setting the brush aside as the mysterious man came into view. His hair was drenched of water as he stood out in the open, wearing only a peasants clothing. His green eyes sparkled mischievously as he took another step forward.

"What are you doing in here?" Queen Tazlah asked alarmed. The man laughed shaking his hair to remove access water.

"Visiting" He croaked  reaching into his jacket for something. Queen Tazlah stood up, knocking her chair against the floor. "Leave" She shouted, hoping her voice was louder than the wind slamming into the bricks of her home. "One chance" she stuck her chin up. "Leave or suffer consequences".

The man laughed bringing his hand down from him jacket. "A nice offer but I must sadly decline".

Before the Queen could respond, the blue eyed man jumped at her just as a loud bang of lighting struck the sky.  A cry of pain erupted from the Queens lips when her head hit the floor.

Struggling to keep the man off of her she tossed and squirmed biting any skin that came into contact. "Stop you prat!" he demanded as she narrowly missed biting his hand.

A sting to the face and a grunt, the man punched her stomach knocking the breath out of her. Reaching for his leg, the man dressed in the peasants clothes wrapped the bag around her head. He punched her one time and then she lay still. "And you call yourself a Queen".

"Gregory switch!" The general commanded, seated high upon his horse. "

Hurry. No open spots". Gregory threw his cigar on the ground, and as expensive as it was, he had more. He grabbed his sword leaned up against the wall and sluggishly made his way to his next position.

Putting his hand in his pocket, Gregory touched the small glass bottle that held hard liquor. He wasn't in his greatest spirits at the moment and these long shifts had him exhausted.

Even though he was of royal blood, King Worthington thought it would be a good idea if Gregory learned the ways of the castle. The ways to be a man. A man who could protect him self and others.

"Roof" Gregory's neck shot up at the sound of a small dog, possibly a village dog, walking towards him. He smiled and bent down to rub the dog in between its scrawny wet fur. "You poor thing" he whispered.

The dog rubbed its head against the Lords knee, whimpering happily. "You want to come with me?" Gregory asked the skinny animal. "I can give you food".

At the mention of food, the dog started jumping around happily barking. Gregory chuckled and bent down to pick up the animal when a piercing scream broke through the night.

"The Queen" someone yelled, their face turning to a pale shade. Gregory took off running, the dog forgotten.

"Go go!" he screamed as all the guards followed in suit behind him. They raced up the winding, stone, stairwell to the Queens door open. Gregory looked in the room where his aunt lay on the floor balled up in a fetal position, screeching.

"Help" she screamed as she thrashed around on the floor , her head still in the bag.

Gregory just stood there, shocked. If he hadn't taken so long with the dog she wouldn't be like this. "Aunty" he said cautiously as another guard pulled the bag from her head.

Tears streamed down Queens Tazlah's face as she looked around wildly, her arms thrashing. "Calm down your majesty. Your safe!" A voice thundered pulling him into his chest.

Queen Tazlah wrenched herself away from the man and began pulling on her dress and the red that stuck to her legs. "What in the-" a guard spoke.

Gregory stumbled, reaching for the wall in support. "The blood went up her legs staining her white dress. And certain parts of her body.

"No!" He said dropping his sword, falling to his knees. "I'm sorry" he whispered rocking back and forth as his aunt got onto her bad and tucked herself into the wall.

"Get out!" Queen Tazlah yelled picking up the nearest thing to throw. "Get out!" A book hit the wall next to Gregory, but he didn't move nor flinch.

Arms grabbed Lord  Gregory and dragged him out the room as the men shuffled suit. Four guards stood by the door, swords drawn, their faces determined to not let anyone in.

They didn't even flick an eye when Gregory was dragged out the room still sputtering and sobbing. "I'm sorry" was all he kept repeating, tear stricken.

Like I said this chapter was sad but because I've been getting good feedback I decided to post this chapter

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Like I said this chapter was sad but because I've been getting good feedback I decided to post this chapter. I know it's sad but I felt like the queen needed to be active some times in the story. I know it's kinda quick to just throw this in but you'll see why later.

Y'all let me know about this chapter💙

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