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Chanyeol is focused on Rosé only

It's already 8:30am and a few minutes from now the school orientation will start. Every students of SNU was gathered in the auditorium. Chanyeol was alone in his seat because his friends are preparing for a special numbers since they're all members of music and dance club. He was already sleeping when their school director spoke so he immediately woke up.

He was getting so bored with all the talks until it's time for the special numbers. The music club officers have a different numbers from the members. The officers was consist of Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Jinhwan, Jungkook, Wendy, Junhoe and of course his ultimate crush, Rosé the president of the music club.

His eyes was focus on Rosé only. Shewas holding a guitar and singing at the same time. She was so talented and beautiful. Chanyeol could only wish that she would date him. But it's impossible because she doesn't even know he exist. And he's not the type of someone who tries to get attention from their crush. But who knows maybe one day. After the performances and few talks about the clubs, the orientation was finally done.

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