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We meet again

It's 2:30pm when Rosé's classes ended. She immediately went to their assigned room for their club meeting. No one's there except her because it's still early. A few minutes later, somebody knock on the door.

"Come in!" She said. She was busy on her phone checking her social media accounts so she didn't notice that someone's staring at her.

"Uhm... hello." The guy said. Rosé put her phone down and looked at the guy. She was shocked to see him.

"Hey! It's you right?! The guy at the park?" She asked him.

"Y-yeah." He replied shyly. Rosé noticed that he's shy and also his huge ears are red. It was so cute.

"Didn't know that you're studying here, and at the same time you're also a part of this club. What a coincidence." She said. She couldn't believe that they're studying in the same university because it's the first time she saw him that night at the park.

"I've actually known you for awhile because you're famous here in university." He said.

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