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They finished their ice cream and Rosé was supposed to booked a grab when Chanyeol stopped her.

"Wait, you're going home already?"

"Yeah. Thanks for the treat by the way."

"Wait, it's still early. Would you mind if I take you somewhere before you go home?"

"It's okay if you don't want to."

"No, I don't really mind."

They once again ride his bike and arrived at the small house.

"You live here? Wow it's so cute!"

"Nope. I have a condo but I consider this home more."

He opened the door with his keys. She saw there's a little living room, kitchen and a two rooms.

"Why do you have this little house if you already have a condo? You're that rich?"

"Why do you have this little house if you already have a condo? You're that rich?"

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"This is my secret hideout. I worked really hard to buy a land and built this little house. My parents and even my friends don't know about this. Come here, I'll show you something."

He took her to a room where his "studio" is located. This was Chanyeol's secret heaven. The studio is complete with instruments, recording equipments and many more.

"Woah! This is awesome! Your studio is awesome!"

"Well, thank you. You want to try? Do you also play instruments?"

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