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And just like that...

"W-what do y-you w-want?" He's stuttering again because he's nervous.

"Look Chanyeol, what happened last time was a mistake. I'm really sorry, I was not in the right mind that time. Please forgive me Chanyeol, I don't want us to be like this because I already treated you as my friend."

"Forget it Rosé. It's okay, I understand why you did that. You're hurt-" He was caught off guard when Rosé hugged him.

"Thank you so much Channie."


"Yeah I find it hard to call you by your name and I feel like it's too formal so I'm just going to call you Channie." He doesn't like the nickname to be honest because it's childish but because it's Rosé, it's okay. Just as long as she's the only one who'll call him that.

"So friends?" Rosé offered her hand and Chanyeol accepted it.

"Friends." He said.

And just like that the walls that he built was crushed easily by Rosé. How could he even resist this girl? He's hopeless.

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