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Rosé was at the park today, it was 7:30pm already. She was so upset. Junhoe ditched her again for the nth time and what made her more sad is she also made her friends upset because of her. She didn't notice that she's already crying when someone offered her a handkerchief.

It was dark already but there are lights at the park, so Rosé was able to see him. It was a tall guy with curly hair and wearing specs. The guy was also shocked when he saw her. Maybe because she looks a freaking mess since she crying so much.

"A-are yy-ou uhm... okay? Here." He asked and offered her the handkerchief again. He seems nice so she accepted the handkerchief. The guy was about to leave her when she stopped him.

"Wait!" The guy looked back at her and raised his brows asking what does she need.

"Can you stay here? I just need a company." She asked. She doesn't even know why she did that. She doesn't even know the guy but her guts tell her that he's trustworthy.

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