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Taehyung's POV 

I smiled as I read the note. I wonder who this girl is, who goes by 'flower' well, my flower. 

It's gonna be her birthday soon. Should I write somethings back as a little gift?  Yea, lets' do that. 

I kept smiling to myself, honestly I look like a idiot. Smiling to myself while my head hanged low, looking at the note in my hands. 

"Tae? You good dude?" 

I quickly stuffed the note into my pocket, shutting my locker. 

"Yup. I'm fine Jimin. Good. Just great" I replied, giving an awkward smile. 

He raised his brow, but nonetheless nodded. 

"Well, lets' go then. The boys are waiting." 

I nodded. 

To Be Continued....

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