Amusement Park

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Author's POV

"Where are we going, Taehyung?" Y/n asked. "It will be a surprise!" He replied. You let out a whine at his response.

"The amusement park?"
"Well-" Y/n was suddenly cut off.
"Come on! Let's go!!" Taehyung said in excitement, dragging you towards the roller coasters, where there were long lines.

"Ticket, sir?" Taehyung hands the man two bright yellow tickets. He then quickly drags you to the seats, sitting down. After everyone was seated "We will be starting the ride in two minutes everyone!" The worker announces. Taehyung turns his head, hearing your heavy breathing. "Y/n?" "H-huh?" "You okay?" "Yea. I'm f-fine."

The belts soon lowered down into place, and the ride began. Taehyung could sense that you weren't okay. He intertwines his fingers with yours, holding your hand. You turn, giving him a confused look, but he just gives you a gentle smile. "It's gonna be okay Y/n." You nod, trusting him.

And finally there was the final drop. "AHHHHHH!!", everyone screamed on top of their lungs. Getting off the ride was well, a hustle you could say. "I am n-never doing th-at again." You say, panting heavily. Taehyung just chuckles, at your comment.

As you two walk through the crowd, you spot a cute stuffed bear. "Taehyung?" He hums in response. "Can we play to win that?" You say, pointing at the stuff bear. "Sure." You guys walk towards the booth, Taehyung putting down cash to play. "Can I try too?" You asks, he then pulls out an extra four dollars, placing them on the table. You both, stand in-front of the basketball hoops, getting ready to shoot. "Get Ready! 3...2...1 GO!" the machine begins as Taehyung and you try to shoot baskets into the moving hoop. "3...2...1 END!" Taehyung made sixteen shots, while you made eighteen, making a total of thirty-four shots.

You cheer in happiness, as you get not one, but two stuffed bears. One pink, and one blue. You hand the blue bear to Taehyung. "As a memory of our first date!" You smile. Taehyung takes the blue bear and shows his iconic boxy smile.

The sun is slowing setting. The once blue sky was now colors mixed of blue, pink, orange, yellow, and purple. Blending together, painting the sky. Taehyung and you enter the fairest wheel. "Woah." You say as you admire the sky. "It's beautiful." Taehyung hums. You thought the view was beautiful but, Taehyung found you more beautiful than the sky.

"Hmm?" You turned your head to Taehyung
"Um. I. How how I say this?" Taehyung whispers, scratching his neck.

"Y/n. I know we hardly know each other but, through the notes and these two last days. I have never been so happy in my life. During the short amount of time, I think. I think I may have fallen for you...hard. I hope I can cherish you and love you with everything I got. So, I've got a question, and I hope you can say yes. Lee Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Taehyung says as he takes out two sliver bracelets, brightly smiling.

Tears forming in your eyes. You can't believe it. Not at all, this must me some sort of dream. "I- this is must me some sort of dream." You say, Taehyung shakes his head. "This is for real." He says. "Yes. Yes Taehyung. Yes, I will be your girlfriend!" You say, happy tears falling from your honey brown eyes.

Taehyung explodes with happiness as he puts the bracelet on you and you do the same but for him. Taehyung moves towards you. Your faces inches apart that you can feel his breathing against your lips. He looks at you, then your lips. Taehyung slowly moves forward, his soft lips touching yours. The kiss is soft and passionate, and filled with love. You guys pull apart and smile at each other. Your foreheads are pressed against each other as Taehyung speaks.

"I love you. I always love you. I will love you, forever"

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