The Meeting

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Taehyung's POV 

" I forgot something in my locker, Kook. " I told. 

" Ugghh. Fine. But, hurry up. I'm starving " He whined. 

I nodded. Walking back to my locker, I thought about who my 'flower' is. I do have an idea of who it is though. With all the clues that she had been giving me lately. I'm sure that I know who it is. I've examined all the girls at this school and there is only one girl who fits into all the clues. 

When I reached my locker, I noticed that someone else was there? And. It was a girl, putting a note into my locker. 

" Flower? " I said. 

I saw how she froze. She quickly picked up her stuff from the floor. I ran to her, grabbing her wrist, turning her around, wanting to see her face. She tried to pull away, but that only made me hold her wrist tighter. 

" Hey. Hey. Look at me. " my voice came out gentle. 

She hesitantly looked up at me, meeting my eyes.  

Y/n's POV 

shit shit shit. What do I do? I panicked, quickly picking up my stuff from the floor, and running away. I felt his wrist caught onto my mine. I tired releasing myself from his grip, but it only made him hold it tighter. This isn't how I wanted us to meet

" Hey. Hey. Look at me. " His voice came out gentle.  

I hesitantly looked up at him, my eyes meeting his soft brown eyes. He softly smiled. 

" I know this isn't how you wanted to meet but. Here we are. "  he said. 

I looked down, embarrassed. His phone suddenly went off. 

" Hold on okay? " He said, answering his phone. 

That's when I took my chance. I ran. 

Taehyung's POV 

On The Phone - 

" What the hell is taking you so long? If you don't-" 

" Alright, yea. I'm coming. " 

" You bet- " 

End - 

I end the call, putting my phone away. Turning around. 

" Hey. So, lets talk about- " 

She left. 

To Be Continued......

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