Meet up?

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Y/n's POV

It's been 2 weeks and I miss him. I miss him so much that it hurts not just physically but also mentally. I've seen him writing notes and putting them in my lockers, I've seen him wait till I open my locker, to find the notes.

But. I never write back.

I just. I can't face him. I know it's stupid, but I just can't.


It's currently lunch time. I sat down with my group of friends. They have also noticed my change of mood.

Not hungry, I just played with my food. Moving the peas around, my head hanging low.

" Y/n? "

I raise my head to the voice.

" Are you okay? What's wrong? "

" I'm okay Bella. Nothings wrong, just. Don't have an appetite. " I replied.

" We all know that something's up "

I looked at the others. Them, nodding their heads. I sighed.

" Guys, I'm fine. Really. " I said, trying my best to not cry.

" Is it Taehyung? " I kept quiet.

" That son of a bitch! What did he do?! "

" H-he didn't do any-thing, Luke " I murmured.

Julia raised a brow. " Then, what's wrong? " she asked.

" Nothing. I'm leaving. " I say, standing up.


I walked to my locker, wanting to be alone. Once I reached it, I opened it. A note falling out. I sigh. I shouldn't be doing this to Taehyung, he deserves someone else, someone better, someone worth his time. Nonetheless I open the note.


it's been 2 weeks now, and i can't stand it

i miss you

let's meet up

6pm at the park, by the bench, next to the cherry blossoms

~ your taetae

He-He wants to meet up?

No. No. No. I can't. I...I just can't.


Taehyungs' POV


I'm currently sitting down on the bench, by the cherry blossoms, waiting for Y/n. I hope she comes. I really do.

- 1 Hour Later -

It's been an hour. I'm sure she'll come. I'll wait just a bit longer. It's getting cold. I shiver as a gust of wind passes by.

- 2 Hours Later -

It's raining now. I still haven't moved. Telling myself that she will come. She will come and I will properly get to meet her.

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