Chapter 13

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"Baby Tay wake up" I said turning the lights on

He rolled over and fell off the bed . I laughed and picked him up.

"Ayana here." i said

"My little sister?" He said standing up

"Yeaah, y'all going to school. " I said

I walked out his room and closed the door . I walked into the kitchen where Ayana was eating ceral.

"Montay, I could've made a real breakfast. " I said

"It's quick" he shrugged

After she finished her ceral she washed her bowl and spoon and put it inside the dish rack.

"Hey mom" she said hugging me

"Hey babygirl did daddy do your hair." I asked examining the two perfect braids.

"Noo mommy ! I did." She laughed

"You're kidding!" I said in disbelief

"Ariel taught her how to braid " Demontay said

"Oh my god can you do mines" I said

"Okay mom come on" she grabbed my hand and sat me on the floor and she started braiding my hair into two godess braids.

Ten Minutes Later

"All done" Ayana said

I stood up and walked into the bathroom, my hair was gorgeous!

"Oh my god Yaya it's beautiful. " i said hugging her and she giggled

"Mom how I look" Baby tay said posing

"You look handsome " I said smiling

He had on a blue jordan shirt with blue ripped jean shorts with his sports blue Jordan's.  He got a fruit out of the refrigerator and water bottle.

"That's all he eat." Montay asked

"Yeah, he really don't eat much "

"Wait til he turn seventeen . That's all going to change" Demontay said

4 years later

"Slow down Baby Tay the food ain't going no where" Montay said

"Oh my god mama you can cook so good" he said eating his eggs

"Yaya you better hurry up and get your food before Baby Tay eats it all" I yelled

I heard footsteps running downstairs. Yaya ran into the kitchen and sat down .

"Say grace" i ordered

She said her grace and started eating.

"Hurry up because y'all ain't go be on y'all first day of school" Demontay said

"I'm driving us to school" Baby Tay said

"No one said we were." I said

"Mama why you so mean" Baby Tay whined

"Oh I haven't showed you mean yet nigga" i said slapping the back of his head.

They finished eating and finished getting dressed. We took them a few pictures and they left to school.

Baby Tay POV

Me and Yaya got inside my car and I started the car and headed to school.

"What sport you doing this year." i asked her

"I don't know. I might join basketball or track. Or just stay with my regular sport Softball. " she shrugged while texting on her phone. Then she started smiling

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