Chapter 20

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2 Months later

Today is my 8 month check up, and Demontay is leaving today for college.  I'm gonna miss my brother. I know imma be crying more than my mother.

"Ma, I'm going to the doctor! " i yelled

"Okay baby, be careful" she yelled back

I walked out the house and got inside my car. I started the car and drove to the doctor's.


I arrived there within fifteen minutes. I walked inside the building. I signed in and turned around to walk to a seat, until I seen Adrian cuddle up with another girl... I'm guessing his baby mama.

I wouldn't dare let a tear fall. Through the two months, I got stronger and wiser. I'm tired of people taking advantage of me.

I walked to an empty seat and sat down and waited for my name to be called. 

At Home

I got out the car and walked up to Demontay, who was already putting his bags in his car.

"You all set?" My dad asked

"Yes sir" Baby tay said

"Keep ypur head in them books, and keep your dick in your pants. " my dad told him

"Yes Sir"

"I love you okay? Please be careful" my mama cried as she hugged him

Then he turned to me, I bursted into tears. I hugged him tightly

"Tay I don't want you to leave me." I cried

"Yaya, I'm not leaving you. I will try and facetime you everyday. I promise imma be there when you have my niece of nephew. I don't care if I'm in the middle of playing a basketball game. Sis stay strong okay? You have grown over the years. You are a beautiful talented classy  and independent woman. Stay like that okay? "

"Okay, you promise you will come when I'm going through labor? " i asked

"I promise "
(Skips Everything Else)

"Ayana, you're ready to push now" the doctor said

"No! Not until my fucking brother comes through!" I yelled

Just in time Baby Tay burst through the doors with his basketball practice uniform.

He grabbed my hand and smiled at me

"She's ready" Tay said


"It's a handsome boy" the nurae said handing me my baby.

I smiled at my beautiful son that was in my arms.

"London Dewayln Jerry" i said

"I like that name" my mom said

"Hey baby London,  welcome to the family" Baby Tay said
Quick Update! The upcoming chapters are going to be great! Stay tuned!!

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