Audrey and The Boss's Son

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Audrey's life in her new job became more and more unbearable as Betsy became more jealous of the fact that Audrey, the girl she thought would've cracked under her regime instead became more popular in the office, even so much as to having a best friend that of Mary and what's worst, she got dozens of admirers.
Mary and Audrey became even closer like a sister. Life for Audrey is suck in the morning but wonderful in the evening all thanks to one bitter human and one sweet girl.
As patient as Audrey could muster, she still couldn't got over the horribleness of Betsy. The job pays well but at what cost? The name calling, the horrible attitude that every day in the office she got reminded of the life she has left in Devon.
Audrey felt like she was at the end of the rope and resolved to resigned as soon as she could secure another job.
Anyway, while she wait for her new job, the goddess of lust once again came to play in Audrey's life and brought with her a handsome man in the form of Mr. Brandon Sherman, the son of the owner of the company.
Brandon was just freshly out of college for his master degree and right away installed by his father as the CEO thus made him the boss of even Betsy.
On the first day of work everyone was excited to see him because Betsy has been telling the whole office how handsome her godson is and how many women fight for his love and then emphasized the fact that Brandon is engaged with a girl equal to him in anyway by that she meant the fiancee is rich, pretty and highly educated. She looked at Audrey square in the eyes as she mentioned those facts to the whole office.
First looked at Brandon and everyone agreed that Betsy didn't oversell her compliments. He is like I said before, a handsome man. His hair is black and sleek. He wore grey suit with dark blue tie and when he walked pass by you, the smell of expensive perfume will linger. He has a kind smile and boyish charm about him that makes him look much younger that he really is. The way he carries himself is humble, he didn't give himself an air of pretentiousness or arrogancy. He is the exact opposite of his godmother, Betsy.
The first time Brandon laid eyes on Audrey, he noted how beautiful she looked with her innocent face, meeting his eyes and smile acknowledgement to him.
Well, thanks to the goddess of lust who was the organizer of these all, Brandon and Audrey spent their office hours starring at each other because conveniently Audrey's desk is right in front of Brandon's office which walls are made of glass.
So, without even realizing it, he always stole a look at Audrey whenever he felt like he couldn't remember her face, or when he stuck at work.
The goddess on lust giggled away as Brandon's heart skipped a beat when he looked at Audrey.

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