Chapter 2

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The part when my life changes

I was laying in my chamber when an announcement came on. It was from the Segment Keeper. He was in charge of our segment, or the community we lived in. He said the Chief was angry, and that it would get dark, so therefore she should stay in our Chambers until further notice. I turned the lights low, and sat on the floor, to think. Deeply, peering into my mind. Nothing much was going on. I was taught never to wonder but to protect, with kindness. Mother checked in on me to see if I was okay when she saw the lights turned low. I nodded to her, and she gently closed my door. That was when it first started. The sky got very dark. I heard a rumble, a spark, and then a crackle. Lightining and thunder had come. They were here for a conference with Executive Chief. Then I saw a different spark. A slightly red one. Then I saw it. I saw it come closer to my window, closer and closer until it was almost breaking through the glass. It seemed like a cloud, burning almost. Then the next moment, my window pooped open and the dark cloud sucked in the broken piees of glass. The winds filled my room, twirling my objects like a tornado around me. Then a figure, a mishapen body, started to appear in the red and black mit. It slowly turned into a shaped figure of a girl, except for horns on her head, and a tail, with a pointed arrow at the end. She appeared with red hair, dark eys, twinkling. I looked her through. She seemed to possess feutures that I had. Then the fog dissapeared, and it was just her and me in my room. She started deeply into my eyes. I didn't move, I couldn't. It was like my body was paralyzed. Then cam her voice, a little scratchy yet smooth. 

"Hey," she said, "Im Vici, came to finally visit." she said. I backed awy from her, carefully, not making any sudden movements, as though she was an animal. "Who, who who are you?" I asked. My voice was shaky, too vulnerable. "Just your little sibling coming to finally see my twin sister." she drifted over to my bed. My eyes widened. My heart pounded a million times faster than it ever had before. "You.. but my family.." I mumbled. "Oh you silly little thing, she laughed. "Those little secrets they keep from you. Let's see. You dont much know do you?  Well, I hope that you can catch up while I tell this to you. You're dead. You are a dead soul in heaven. Your body is resting in a grave, but your soul is resting here. The Executive Chief is god. He has entered you into this realm, you knowing everything, to completely have you forget the previous life. Woah, right? But there is more. The Chosen Ones, are angels. They are sent to come down to earth and be guardians for people. This is why they are so secret. The Executive Chief doesn't want the commoners knowing, or they will all want to see their past lifes. Lter on, when the commoners are released to Nuage, they are released to a new life. Boom!" she finished. I was startled, confused, and a million other emotions. It was crazy, she was crazy, and she was some weirdo that popped into my window for a prank. "Oh, and this makes me your twin sister, the devil." That was it. It was a demon in front of me, that I wanted to egt out and destroy. My lips tightened into a thin line, and I couldn't take it anymore. She was a stranger that barged into my room, pounded thoughts into my head, and expected me to believe her. "GET OUT!!!" I screamed at her and pointed to the window. She shrugged, flew out, and that was the end of it. And she was gone, and my window went back to normal and it was dark again. 

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