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When I got home, my mum had already baked a cake for me and my dad bought me new snickers as a gift because he knows I love them and we had a little family dinner before going to bed.
That night, I had the weirdest dream ever, I was swimming deep in the ocean and I could see the different fishes swimming around me with their bright colors along with the corals and sea weed. Everything was so beautiful and it seemed like I was breathing under water and this surprised me because I had never had such a dream before. Suddenly the peaceful atmosphere that I was enjoying ended and it felt like something or someone was watching me, I could not pin point a particular direction where this feeling was coming from, it felt like I was surrounded or something. I started feeling edgy and I wanted to swim away but I did not know which direction to swim to, I had no idea whether it was up or down and how to even make my escape or where it was safe.

My heart beat increased and I could feel the panic settling in, then something dragged me down, I could not see what it was but it kept pulling me deeper into the ocean. My legs failed me, I could not feel them anymore and I let out a loud scream filled with fear, the next thing I knew I was jumping awake on my bed with my body drenched in sweat. I tried to calm my heart down by telling myself it was just a dream, a bad one at that and it could not hurt me in reality.
That was when my mum shouted my name. 'Chloe, wake up, it's time for school.' Getting up, I started my morning routine. I selected the clothes to wear, brushed my teeth and prepared a bath. While having my bath, my body started itching especially my legs and around the upper part of my hip bone, I felt light headed and I thought I would black out again. After a little while the head ache stopped and I felt okay again. If this had happened once then I would say it was a coincidence but happening twice was definitely not normal, something was seriously wrong with me. At least I did not pass out like yesterday and there was no headache also. I will have to tell my mum that I have been feeling a little sick, maybe I will be able to skip school, I let out a little laugh at the thought of that.
Getting out of the bath, I dressed up and went to the mirror to apply my makeup and that was when I paused. Was it just me or does my hair look lighter and longer than before, even my eyes looked different. The blue looked closely like the color of the sea, the lashes looked longer and thicker like I applied mascara or eye liner, while my blonde hair looked lighter like the color was fading, it was curly like I did something to it and it was so lush, full and long. Was my hair this long before? I am probably imagining all this nonsense and feeling like I did not need that much makeup today because I felt gorgeous, I applied powder with a little bit of pink lipstick.
Going downstairs, I hugged my mum and dad saying, 'Good morning, how was your night?' 'Good morning dear, our night was fine, how was yours?' my dad replied. 'I don't know, I think I am a little bit sick or something, I have been having these migraines and feeling light headed. Yesterday I actually blacked out in the bathroom.'
'Are you feeling okay now baby, will you be able to go to school or do we have to go to the hospital to see a doctor.' mum asked me looking worried while she walked over to me to check my temperature with her hands on my forehead. As soon as I heard the words hospital and doctor, all thoughts of me skipping school today with this excuse was dropped immediately because if you asked anybody who knows me even a little bit, they will tell you that I am terrified of hospitals and anything that has to do with it, I was more scared of hospitals than the ocean or anywhere else and that's when I did not exaggerate the extent of my fear.
I let out a laugh and replied instantly because I did not want to take the chance of having to go there, 'Yeah, I feel better now, I am fine, very fine. In fact, I can probably run a hundred-meter race without any issue.' Hearing what I said and seeing the look on my face my dad, the worried look he had immediately switched to one of amusement and he could not stop himself and started laughing. 'Honey, I think she will be fine, let us see what happens for a few days before we take her to the hospital.' he said.
My mum smiled and replied, 'Okay, but if it worsens tell me immediately so we can get it treated, am I clear.' She gave me the mum is the boss look and I nodded my head in acknowledgement, then she had to ruin the moment by saying. 'Oh and baby, you are going to school since it is not serious enough for medical care there will be no reason for you to stay home alone.' 'Well there goes my perfect plan for escaping jail.' I murmured,
'Eat faster so you will not be late.' 'Yes mum.' I practically inhaled my food before heading off for school with the sound of my dad laughing at my sullen mood.

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