Chapter 11

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Special thanks to @TheSallyWilliams , who actually ANSWERS MY QUESTIONS! and anyone else who reads my book. :D You guys are THE BOMB.COM! THE BOMB-DIGGITY! THE BOMB-... Uh... The bomb... I don't know. Let's get to the story!


Hans circles me, looking me over. My eyes never leave him. Chuckling, he snaps his fingers, and the chains on my hands fall away. "Still don't trust me?" I nod, glaring at him. "Oh, you will soon enough. Are you wondering why your ice doesn't work? Well, I can restore it. Just give me a chance. In fact-" he stops, lightly rubbing my arm. "You may have other powers. If you let me do a test, I will give you back your ice power and discover your new power."

I vigorously shook my head. I would not let him do a test on me. He'd probably "accidentally" kill me. Hans' mouth forms a mock pout. "Aw. Well, I'm not taking no for an answer." He picks up a syringe full of clear liquid. "Goodnight." He sticks the syringe in my arm.

Then everything goes black.


"Your power is zee element of air!" I hold up my hands. In them is a small ball of wind, blowing this way and that, but powerless to leave the confines of my palms. I release them, and they zip around the room.

"Wow... I never knew I had powers like this!"

Gothel looks down, her voice barely audible. "Well, now you know. If you're willing, I can restore your healing powers as well."

I can't hide my excitement. "Oh yeah!" I hop in the chair, ready to do it again. Then, puzzled, I look back up at Gothel. "Again, why was your voice that way? Why did it become normal again?"

"Because I'm two different people."


The last time I saw Merida, she had shot an arrow at the bear and it had dissolved. I don't know where she went after that. Maybe the Royal Gardens? After all, she did love to be outside. At least, that's what I thought, considering the fact that she did archery.

I decided to start there.


I was in a haze. A gray, smokey haze. I could see everything around me, but all there was was the haze.

"Elsa, Elsa! Wake up!" What was that? I pictured a blurry man with red hair and... a ponytail? No, that wasn't right.

Something was shaking me. "Get up. It's time." Why couldn't I see anything? Time for what?

A clanking noise. Arguing. "Well, first we gotta take this off."

"I don't CARE what you take off! Just wake her up!"

A shield of some sort was lifted off my eyes. I-I could see!

I could see Hans right in front of me.

"We've given you back your power!" He grins, and I sense he's getting ready to tell me something else. "And you have a new one!"


"What do you mean, you're two people?" I question.

Gothel seems to be trying to speak. Finally she croaks out, "When-you-obtain a power-by murderous means-"

I gasp. "You killed someone?"

She chuckles weakly. "Trust-me, you don't want-her-alive. An-y-way, when you have to-kill-someone-to-gain a power, that-person-lives on-in-your-body." Suddenly she straightens. "Vee are going to go use your power! Let's go to zee training room! Come on, leetle gurl! She looks at me, her eyes a bright purple. "Tell me, vhat ees your name?" I start to speak, only to be cut off by the lady that is definitely NOT Gothel. "I know! Eets Reepunzel! Come on!"

I follow slowly, wary of this new discovery.

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