Chapter Ten: I Swear It Was An Accident

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I snuggled deeper into JD's chest. His even breathing was comforting. I wish it could stay like this forever; me and him, here, in this moment. The night started out shitty, but he made it into a night I'll never forget and I never want to.

"Wow, Veronica."

I jumped. My heart was in my throat. Heather sat at the foot of my bed, her arms crossed. "Heather?"

She flipped her blonde hair out of her face, smirking. "Just wait till I tell the entire school pure, cinnamon roll Veronica Sawyer was fucking the new kid the first chance she got."

"We didn't do anything," I protested. A lie, obviously, but this moment belonged to me and JD. I can't let Heather take it away from me.

"That's not what I'll tell everyone. Even if you say it didn't happened, no one will forget Veronica Sawyer, Westerburg's whore." She stood up, smoothing out her red dress.

"Heather, nothing happened!" I said, standing. "We fell asleep watching TV."

"Veronica the slut," she said in a mocking, singsong tone, "Veronica the slut, Veronica the slut-"

I gasped, bolting upright.

JD sat up beside me, placing an arm on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I just- bad dream." I swallowed. "I need to go to Heather's," I said, pulling on a tee shirt.

"I'll come with you," He said, picking up his jeans from the floor. "You could use some backup."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, okay, hero." He grinned and kissed me quickly on the lips.

Every part of me filled with anxiety as I reached for the spare key under the mat at Heather Chandler's house. She was probably completely hungover from the party last night. And she would never forgive me.

"Heather?" I called as I stepped inside. I'd only been here once before, but I knew my way around. The house was really fancy, but not large. An open kitchen and living room, a formal dining room, Heather's room, her parent's, and a guest room. Each bathroom had a private bathroom. All of the rooms were decorated with beautiful dark brown furniture and crepe curtains. A vase of roses sat on the kitchen counter.

I heard a groan from Heather's room so I knew she was awake. Her parents would be at a family dinner since it was Sunday, but I knew she'd be home. Heather didn't go even when she wasn't hungover.

I gently pushed the door open, JD behind me. "Heather? It's Veronica."

"What do you want?" She mumbled, throwing a pillow at my face.

I sighed. It isn't like I didn't expect that. "I wanted to apologize for last night. Really, I'm an idiot and I'm so sorry."

She rolled her eyes and sat up with a slight groan. "Make me breakfast. Then I'll think about forgiving you."

"Alright, Heather," I sighed, heading back to the kitchen.

"What shit should we fix her?" JD asked, opening some of the cabinets. "We could make something really gross just to mess with her."

I snorted. "Yeah, like.... eggs and orange juice."

He grinned. "An orange juice omelet, coming up," He said as seriously as possible as he opened the fridge for the egg carton and the gallon of orange juice.

I grabbed a mug from the shelf. "Here, lets mix it in this and she won't be able to tell."

"I like the way you think." He cracked the egg on the side of the mug and poured in the orange juice. Then he rummaged the drawers for a fork to mix it together with.

"Uh... what else should we make her..." I looked through the cabinets. "Let's just do toast, the drink is gross enough."

"We could always give her some of this," he said holding up a bottle of Drain-O Drain and Pipe Cleaner.

I laughed. "Yeah, right. That would kill her."

"Thus ending her hangover."

"She'd never drink it."

"Mugs exist for a reason, Veronica," he said, pouring the blue liquid drain cleaner into one of the mugs on the counter.

I glared at him. "That isn't funny."

He looked at me. "Fine, just make the toast. Sorry."

I grabbed a plate and some bread and turned on the toaster. "Hey," JD said from behind me, "We could use ketchup on it and say it's strawberry jam." I laughed as he handed me the bottle of ketchup.

"You're such a dork," I said, rolling my eyes as I squirted the ketchup on the toast.

"You like that I'm a dork." He said, placing a hand on my cheek.

I grinned. "Yeah, I do." I looped a finger through his belt loops and pulled him in for a kiss.

His breath on my face was warm, his hand pressed against my jaw, his arm over my shoulder, fingers trailing through my hair. We were pressed together. One being. I could hear his heartbeat.

When we finally let go of that moment, I didn't want to stop. I couldn't look away from his face. His gorgeous, chocolate eyes. His awkward grin. The dark hair that always fell in his face. He was perfect. And he was mine.

I distractedly reached for the mug on the countertop. He grabbed the plate and passed it to me. I landed another quick kiss on his lips before turning to head to Heather's room.

"Veronica-" he started.

I looked over my shoulder. "Yeah?"

He shook his head. "Nothing."

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