Chapter 4 - Part 1

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Authors Note: Hey guys! This chapter is the longest chapter I've ever written for a book! At almost 3400 words! So you're in for a long one! Also, s/o to @-Eris_Yukima- for the amazing Fan Art! Enjoy Chapter 4 part 1!


"Sasuke. I'm at point B"

"Sakura. I'm at point C"

"Akane. I'm at point D"

"Naruto. I'm at point A. Believe it!"

"Go slow Naruto. Okay squad 7, hm.... The target has moved! GO!"

The four genin followed the dark shadow, hiding behind trees and watching as it jumped into a bush. Naruto looked around and saw Sasuke and Sakura hidden, but where was....

"Akane? Where did you go?" He asked over the speaker.

No response.

Kakashi sighed over the speaker, "Don't worry about her for now, worry about the target. What's your distance?"

"5 meters. I'm ready, just give the signal." The blonde informed their sensei.

"I'm ready too" - Sasuke

"So am I" - Sakura

They all turned towards each other as signal, then

"I've got him." Akane finally speaks up. Just then does the team notice the red-haired kunoichi hugging a cute brown cat with a hairbow on its right ear. Naruto sweatdrops,

"How long have you been there?!" Naruto yelled, angering the cat.

Akane, who was holding the cat, let go and the cat came and jumped at Naruto. Scratching his face while the blonde screamed. Akane stood up, tightening her pony tail while walking towards Naruto. She grabs the cat without any problem and holds said cat in an embrace.

Akane loved animals. She knew her always holding Akamaru would come in handy.

"Can you verify a ribbon on right ear?" Kakashi asked through the speaker, and Sasuke responds

"Affirmative, we've got a positive I.D."

"Right. Lost pet Torra: Captured; Mission Accomplished" the silver-haired sensei replied, walking back to the meeting spot. When,

"CAN'T WE GET A BETTER MISSION THAN THIS?! I HATE CATS!!" Naruto yells in the speaker.

"I HAPPEN TO LOVE CATS!!" Akane yells in reply.

Kakashi sighs. . . 'My team'


At the Academy. . .

"Ohhh! My cute Torra! Mommy was so worried about her naught little fuzzkins!" The plump woman cuddles the brown cat, known as Torra, cries.

"HA! Stupid cat! That kitty deserves to be squashed!" Naruto giggles.

Akane looked on at the scene, 'yeah. . . poor cat . . . now I know why she ran away' she thought. She turned back to the rest of her team, to see that they were walking over towards the Hokage. She huffed, as she slowly walked over to them, to hear the Hokage,

"For squad 7's next mission we have several available tasks. Among them, babysitting the chief counselor's 3-year-old, helping his wife to do the shopping, digging up potatos-"

"Nooooo! I wanna go on a real mission!" Naruto yelled, crossing his arms in a x-shape. "Something challenging and exciting! Not this little kid stuff! Come on, Old Man!"

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