Chapter 12

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Thank you to everyone who commented and liked the last chapter, had I not kept receiving so many comments, this chapter would have be out by tomorrow, but I guess I could speed things up a bit(Also this chapter is kinda a filler, but not really at the same time. A lot of info and some dramaaa) ....sooo enjoy!


"I guess here's a good place to rest." Akane said.

She had recently left Konoha to go train, and it had just so happened to be night time when she left. She had decided to leave a note, stating that she had left to go train, but she had a feeling that nobody would care anyways.

Well, maybe her dad.

Afterall, he had shown some emotion to her just the day before, and it was strange. At least someone cared though, that's always a plus she guessed.

While on her travels, she decided to stop and rest for the remainder of the night. And that was where she currently was, as she landed next to a tree, and the world around her was pitch black.

Setting down her backpack filled with essentials, she looked around to make sure no one had decided to follow her. After listening for a good 20 minutes, she decided the coast was clear, and bent down to her backpack to pull out her sleeping bag.

Pulling out the dark blue sleeping bag, she unrolled it and set it down, and crawled into the bag.

She decided to not light a fire or turn on her lantern because if anyone was out there, they would know her location, so she decided the darker, the better.

As she started to drift off, she reminisced the memories of how she met her sensei, 


Her eyes blinked open and squinted at the bright lights illuminating the room. In front of her stood a man with orange hair. He had multiple facial piercings and wore a black cloak with red clouds on it. He watched her with menacing purple eyes and stood completely still. Next to him was a woman with short purple hair, and she was also wearing the same cloak the man was wearing.

As she started to look around to find a means of escape, the man stepped towards her, and she shot a terrified glare at him. He either didn't notice her fear or it didn't bother him as he walked closer to her, the woman at his side the entire time.

"Who are you?" she asked lowly, scared at making him angry. She didn't know this man, and she hoped to Kami that he didn't know her, but luck wasn't on her side apparently.

"Akane Haruno, 13, Genin of Knonha." He factually stated, still staring at her.

She grimaced, 'ah, fuck.', she looked him in the eye, "What do you want from me?"

"We want to offer you a deal" the woman spoke up, standing a little ways behind the man.

"We know how you are treated at your home. Like shit, like you'll never be the kunoichi your sister will be. And we know how that must feel. We want to offer you the training you would never get in Konoha. Join us." The man spoke up again.

Akane looked between the two, "Who are you? And why me?"

The man and woman looked at each other, and the lady spoke up,

"We are Akatsuki, and you are much more powerful than you think"

She blinked in shock, "What's the catch?"

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