Chapter 10- Part 1

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(A/N: If you don't remember these matches, and want to, you can go back and watch them. I am not going into much detail with them. And I don't think you guys as readers would want to read something that you can watch within minutes. But trust me, Akane's match will be in detail. Also, I made this chapter soooo long and I was gonna continue, but I changed my mind and I'll make this into 2 parts.)


Team 8 finally made it to the building later that night, after finding an 'Earth' Scroll, and a new 'Heaven' Scroll. It was hard work, but they managed.

"No one's here?" Hinata asked, as they walked in.

Kiba laughed, "We're the first!"

"No. I'm sure that I sensed someone here a little while ago." Shino informed.

"More importantly. Is Akamaru okay? The poor little guy's been so scared for so long." Hinata asked, reaching down to pet the pup's head peeking out of Kiba's jacket.

"Just like I thought. There's no other place to go!" A familiar voice sounded from within the building, gaining the attention of the genin team.

"We've already waited half a day. How much longer are they gonna make us wait?" Another voice spoke up.

"However long it takes I guess." Kiba knew that voice like the back of his palm.

The sand siblings and Akane walked into the room that they were in. Akane stood next to Gaara, and Temari and Kankuro walking behind the two. The group walked right past them, but the older two looked over at the group.

Akane looked over at the same time that Gaara glanced at them out of the corner of his eye. But Akane and Gaara turned back in front of themselves.

Kiba kept an eye on the two red-heads,

'I don't know what that sand village squirt is, or why Akane is with him. But whatever is going on, that guy is way too dangerous to mess with'


(With Anko Mitarashi)

"Sorry to interrupt." A shinobi apologized, as he walked into the room.

"What do you want? We're talking about something important" Anko growled.

"Uh...I'm sorry but, it's this tape. You have to see it" he said holding up a VHS tape. Anko leaned back on the couch she was sitting on. As one of the anbu who she had been talking to previously asked,

"what is it?"

The shinobi with the tape put it into the vhs player, and turned the monitor on.

"Okay now, when you watch this, pay special attention to the time." He said, pointing to the top right corner of the screen. As he said this, everyone turned towards the screen, and looked at the time as it started playing.

16:07 pm

"B-but that means..."

"That's right, Anko. This was recorded inside the tower about 1 hour and 37 minutes after the start of the exam. It's unbelievable. They completely destroyed the previous record time of the 2nd test." He said.

"B-but that's impossible." She stuttered; eyes wide.

"It took only 97 minutes. Nothing like this has ever happened before. No one's even come close. And not to mention, there's something else to look at too." He said, before pointing at the screen again, his finger finding the red-haired girl with them.

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