Chapter 5

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Akane gasped awake, jerking herself up into a sitting position. She looked around, trying to see where she was. She looked down and saw her arms and legs were bound together by rope. She struggled to free her arms first, then her legs. Rubbing her wrists together to free her arms, but only getting a rope burn in return. Stopping, she looked at her surroundings, seeing that she was in a cell. In her attempts to free her legs, she heard a door open then close, and a couple of voices heading her way.

"Is she awake yet?" a rough, man's voice sounded.

"She wasn't when I was last down here. But she could be awake now . . ." A higher pitched voice responded.

"Let's have a look . . ." The deeper voice answered and turned the corner to the right of her cell.

"Ah. So you are awake. Welcome. We have much to discuss." The hidden mist ninja called Zabuza stated, staring Akane down as she stopped trying to free herself. She gasped, surprised to see Zabuza and a smaller boy with a mask hiding his face.

Akane looked between the two before asking, "What happened? Where is my team?"

Zabuza crouched down closer to her and looked her in the eye before grinning evilly at her, "They're all dead. I killed them, along with that stupid bridge builder. But you . . . you are . . . special."

The confusion showed on her face as she asked, "What do you mean special? And you couldn't have killed my team! You just couldn't have!"

Zabuza leaned over and opened her cell, pulling Akane out by the collar of her dress. Some brown smudging on her white dress by the dirt on his hand. And as raised his hand and struck her, the last thing she saw was darkness.


Sometime later . . .

Her eyes blinked open and squinted at the bright lights illuminating the room. In front of her stood a man with orange hair. He had multiple facial piercings and wore a black cloak with red clouds on it. He watched her with menacing purple eyes and stood completely still. Next to him was a woman with short purple hair, and she was also wearing the same cloak the man was wearing.

As she started to look around to find a means of escape, the man stepped towards her, and she shot a terrified glare at him. He either didn't notice her fear or it didn't bother him as he walked closer to her, the woman at his side the entire time.

"Who are you?" she asked lowly, scared at making him angry. She didn't know this man, and she hoped to Kami that he didn't know her, but luck wasn't on her side apparently.

"Akane Haruno, 13, Genin of Knonha." He factually stated, still staring at her.

She grimaced, 'ah, fuck.', she looked him in the eye, "What do you want from me?"

"We want to offer you a deal" the woman spoke up, standing a little ways behind the man.

"We know how you are treated at your home. Like shit, like you'll never the kunoichi your sister will be. And we know how that must feel. We want to offer you the training you would never get in Konoha. Join us." The man spoke up again.

Akane looked between the two, "Who are you? And why me?"

The man and woman looked at each other, and the lady spoke up,

"We are Akatsuki, and you are much more powerful than you think"


A Few Weeks later . . .

Team 7 could see the village gates after weeks in the land of waves. They still hadn't found Akane and hoped that the Hokage would send out help to find her. Sakura turned to the rest of the team,

"You guys think they can find Akane?" she asked, gripping her fists to her chest. Sasuke and Naruto had been through a lot recently, dying, fighting for their lives, puking up their dinners, and failing at running up trees. But they could tell Sakura was genuinely worried.

"I'm sure they'll Akane! Believe it!" Naruto tried cheering up his female teammate, but to no avail, Sakura started to tear up.

Kakashi turned towards his students, but with a loss of words. He thought with how Sakura had been treating Akane recently that she could really care less about what happens to her sister. He had noticed how Akane never wanted to be home, how she was always out first thing in the morning until late at night, and even once stopping on his walk home to admire her climbing in through her bedroom window instead of using the front door. But what he noticed that made him watch her more, was the food pills. He had seen other ninja's use them on the battlefield, but his question was, why was she using them? And he was worried.

Akane is powerful, and he hoped her parents had noticed, but he had a feeling that they had next to no clue. He also had a feeling that her parents didn't care that much for her, only with how quiet and responsible she is. He snapped out of his thoughts as he saw they were already at the village gates. Izumo and Kotetsu looked up to see Kakashi and his team and waved the four inside the gates.


After seeing the Hokage . . .

After reporting to the Hokage tower, Team 7 disbanded and Sakura headed towards her house. She was bummed out for sure. She was worried. Akane was strong, and she hoped that her sister would come back home safe. But she felt wrong.

She felt like she had just abandoned her sister in the Land of Waves, but they did try desperately to find Akane. But they couldn't find head or tail of her, let alone a trail leading to her. It was almost like she just vanished in thin air.

As she was almost home, walking down the road leading to her house, she spotted a certain blonde,

"Forhead girl! How is MY Sasuke-kun today?!" Ino poked fun at the pink-haired girl. But for once Sakura paid no attention and kept walking. Ino gasped when Sakura walked past her, never seeing Sakura like this before.

'What the hell?' Ino thought and turned around to finish talking to her posse.

Sakura finally made it home, and unlocked the door, sliding her shoes off, then gently shutting the door. It being the afternoon, her parents weren't home just yet, and she walked up to her room, opening her bedroom door. She walked in and slide her backpack off and unpacked all her dirty clothes and other stuff. Putting everything in their correct places, she sat cross-legged on her bed. She grabbed the picture at her bedside and gazed at it. Letting a tear slip down her face, she admired the grin that was on Akane's face. The picture had been taken when the twins had just turned 6, and they celebrated their birthday together.


The noise of something falling on the ground startled the teen from her zoning. She gently placed the picture back on her nightstand, and unwound her legs, placing her feet on the ground, and stood up. She tip-toed her way to her bedroom door, and peeked her head out the doorway.

"Okaa-san?! Otou-san?!" she called out, hoping it was her parents, but then another noise came from across the hall.

Akane's room.

She gulped, and slowly tip-toed her way across the hall. Her hand shakily reached towards the door knob and sat shaking on top of it. As quietly as she could, she turned the knob and the door opened, and she pushed it open a little ways so she could peek into the room.

She looked around but stopped, her gaze settling upon a flash of red hair. Sakura's eye's widened meeting a copy of her own eyes,



Hey guys! Sorry it's on the shorter side, Spring break is officially over, so I've been trying to do all my homework, but I'm going to try to update again soon.



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