Chapter 6

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The pinkette looked at her twin with tears in her emerald green eyes. Her twin sister who had been kidnapped.

Kidnapped? But she's here?

"Hey Sakura." Akane greeted, sitting on the floor next to her dresser. Sakura noticed a little baggie in her hands but couldn't tell what was in it. A tear slipped down her cheek, making a tapping sound when it hit the floor.

"H-how are you here?" Sakura asked, worried for the answer. Akane stood up at the question and put the baggie in her hands back into her dresser drawer, hoping Sakura didn't see the pills that she had been hiding.

She turned back towards her sister, and sighed,

"Some . . .friends. . . dropped me off."

"Who though?" Sakura pressed.

"Just friends." Akane stated, walking and pushing past Sakura into the hallway. Sakura turned to follow Akane down the hallway, until the bathroom door slammed into her face, stopping her. Sakura rubbed her nose that had been hit when Akane slammed the door.

Sakura had a bad feeling about what was going on.

'Telling okaa-san and otou-san is probably the worst thing I could do right now. . . but who should I talk to? . . . 'she thought hard for a minute only to come up with the perfect answer, 'Kakashi-Sensei! CHA!' And with that thought, she was already out the door. Running down the road towards the training field, hoping that their sensei was there.


Training Ground 4 . . .

Kakashi had been preoccupied, training with his life-long rival, Might Gai. Right as Kakashi blocked a taijutsu move, he saw red and pink out of the corner of his eye.

"Hold on Gai" Kakashi paused their training, and he turned towards his student and walked over to her.

"Hello Sakura. What's the matter?" he asked, and although she couldn't see most of his face, she could tell he was trying to cheer her up, especially considering all that had happened on that mission to the land of waves.

"It's Akane! She's at home!" Sakura exclaimed, and Kakashi kneeled down to her level and stared at her.

"What do you mean she's at home, Sakura?" Kakashi asked gently, not wanting to upset the young genin. Sakura nodded at him, and shook her head, clearing her eyes of tears.

"When I got home, I went to my room, and I started to hear noises from somewhere in the house. I thought it was an intruder since it's too early for our parents to be home, and I found Akane in her room" Sakura cried happily. She was honestly just happy that Akane was home, safe and sound. Kakashi stared in shock at her,

'How did she get home? And where was she when she went missing?' he thought while standing up from his kneeling position. He turned to Gai and saw that he had walked off, most likely with a student of his own, and then turned back to Sakura.

"Can you show me the way?"

She nodded and he stood, following his student all the way back to her house.

Sakura peeked her head inside the front door, and didn't see her parents, so she assumed they were still at work. She opened the door wider, so that Kakashi could come in, and closed the door after he had entered. She nodded her way in the direction towards the stairs of her family's house, and Kakashi walked in the direction, headed up the stairs.

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