A new friend

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I was heading out for a walk when I collided with someone, we both got knocked over and the contents of the persons bag flew all over the hallway, I really needed to watch where I was going. The person got up, brushed them-self off and offered me their hand, I took it and hosted myself up. I looked at the person who helped me up, she was a girl at least a year older than me, about average height and very pretty. She had shoulder length blonde hair and light blue eyes, she was wearing the typical boring dress of a third class girl. That's when I noticed what came spilling out of her bag, there was a beautiful, floor length, red dress, some high heeled shoes and some silver jewelry. I looked at her questioningly and opened my mouth to say something, but she quickly turned around and started rapidly picking up the clothes. she started to run, but I ran after her and caught her arm,"What the heck?" She tried to get away, but I had a firm grip on her."I'll tell what I was doing if you let me go" she said, "fine but if you run-" "I won't run" she snapped, I was hesitant, but I let go of her arm. She turned to face me and said, "I'm not third class, I'm first class. I wanted to go on a little adventure and see what third class was like." I didn't believe her, why on earth would someone want to see third class? "Are you lying, did you steel th-" " no! I didn't steel those clothes, they're mine. It's so boring being cooped up in first class, I hate all those prissy rich people. They think they're so great because they have money but in reality they're just snobby dirt that thinks so lowly of everyone else!" She turned away from me, her shoulders tensed and she clenched her jaw, obviously angry. "Okay! I believe you." She turned to look at me and relaxed, her anger fading. Picking up her bag for her I said, "Do you want me to show you around third class?" Her anger turned into happiness as she smiled at me. She rolled her shoulders back, raised her chin and spoke in a false British accent, "You better give me a proper tour or else I'll report you! I'll have you fired or put in jail! You third class dirt! What are you waiting for? Escort me!" She giggled, I tried to hold back my laughter, but I failed miserably. Her giggled turned into a full belly laugh and soon we were trying to catch our breath and holding our stomachs. It felt good to laugh like that.

As I showed the girl around third class, I learned that she was returning home after a vacation in England. She's fifteen years old and wishes to become a writer someday. Her mother is always telling her to be more like her older sister, who is the typical, perfect rich girl. She was born in Canada but moved to New York when she was very young and her dad is a well known doctor there. We went up to the third class promenade deck and leaned against the rail and looked down at the ocean. "You told me all this stuff about yourself, but you never told me your name." " It's Alyia" I never heard of a name like that, but I liked it. I thought it suited her. "I didn't catch your name either" "It's Lily." I told her.

She looked at me with a devious grin on her face,"I have an idea." She grabbed my hand and half pulled me half dragged me to the gates that separated second class from third class. She climbed over the barrier and motioned for me to follow her, I looked at her and shook my head, I didn't want to get caught. "Come on, be courageous!" I glared at her then climbed over the barrier. I followed her to the gates that separate second class from first class,"since you showed me around third class I'm going to show you around first class." She grinned at me and jumped the barrier, I had no choice but to follow after her.

"I'll show you my cabin first." When we arrived she opened to door and told me to go in first. I was taken aback by how huge it was, it was about the size of my house in Belfast. There was three separate bedrooms, a full sized bathroom and a personal promenade deck. The bedrooms each had its own four posted bed, nightstand and closet. The bathroom had a full sized bathtub, sink and toilet and the promenade deck had a table and chairs and two lounge chairs. It was heaven compared to the third class cabins, they were small and cramped. They had two bunk beds and barely enough room for the luggage, let alone four people to be in it at once, not to mention there was only one tub for all the third class passengers.

"Wait here, I'm going to change into this," she said holding up the bag containing her clothes. I walked over to the bed and sat down and admired one of the paintings on the wall. A few minutes later, Alyia came out of her bedroom wearing the red dress and heels. "What do you think?" She said twirling, "I think you look gorgeous." She smiled, noticing how wide my eyes were."Do you want to wear one?" "Oh, no I couldn't" "oh yes you can," she said digging threw her closet. She tossed me a long, light blue dress and matching shoes, the dress landed on my head and one of the shoes hit me in the shin and the other landed on the ground in front of me, she laughed at me and told me to go change. I came out of the bathroom a few minutes later tripping over the dress and struggling to walk in the heeled shoes, Alyia caught one glace at me and burst out laughing, "is it really that bad?" She tried to answer, but she couldn't get any words out because she was laughing so hard. When she was done laughing, red faced and wiping a tear from her cheek she told me to change back into my dress. I came out moments later wearing my boring dress and walking normally. "You ready to see first class?" She asked, "let's go" we linked arms and left her cabin.

She showed me the dinning area, which was a lot grander and cleaner than the third class dinning area. We walked up a beautiful grand staircase, it was nothing like I've ever seen before. She showed me the pool and exercise room and lastly we went to the promenade deck. I was getting disapproving glances from the other first class passengers, but I didn't care, I was having fun. "Lily, you know all this stuff about me but I hardly know anything about you." " How about I show you my cabin and tell you stuff about me?" "Sounds like fun" she said smiling.

We were about to jump the barrier between first and second class when a crew member stopped us. " What is this third class girl doing here?" He spat, " she's with me, have a problem with that?" Alyia said, he stepped closer to her, "yes I do, third class isn't supposed to be in first class." "Well, let us pass and we'll go to third class," she said stepping closer to him. He was a lot taller and bigger than her, but she didn't seem afraid. "No" he said firmly, "let us pass." She said,raising her voice it was clear she wasn't going to back down, he opened his mouth to say something, but she glared at him, raised her eyebrow and pursed her lips she gave him a , 'let us pass or else I will kick you were it hurts' kind of look. He backed off, knowing not to mess with her. Alyia flipped her hair and stomped on his foot while she past. I followed, wide eyed and trying my best to stifle a laugh.

Once we got to the third class cabins, we burst out laughing. "Where did that look come from?" I said threw laughter,"I don't know, but it worked" she said trying to catch her breath. "Lily?" I heard a familiar voice say, "James!" I said, finally done laughing. I grinned at him, he stared at us awkwardly then he motioned with his eyes towards Alyia. "Oh! James this is Alyia, Alyia this is James" I said feeling stupid. He tipped his hat to her and she curtsied back," well,It was nice meeting you Alyia, but I have to go, see you later Lily." He flashed his perfect smile and walked off. I smile after him, "so, who's he?" Alyia asked, snapping me back into reality. "James? He's just a friend" " just friend, are you kidding? You're so starry eyed for him!" "No I'm not!" I said defending myself, "yes you are" she smirked and ran off, laughing. I chased after my new found friend.

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