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I looked up to see that the stern was high above see level and I prayed my dad and James were far away from the sinking ship because if they were close when the thing went under, the suction would pull them under and they would likely drown. I pushed the horrid thought out of my mind and glanced and my mother, she was staring at the icy, ink coloured water with a blank expression on her face, her cheeks were tear stained and her eyes red rimed and puffy, my heart broke for her. I looked back at the rapidly sinking ship, I could see the lights flicker off, I heard a few gasps escape from the mouths of some scared passengers as we were left in darkness. I heard the sound of a match being struck as the crew member that had came on the lifeboat to row, lit a lantern.

In the faint light that the stars gave off, I could see the front funnel tear off and crash into the icy ibis, crushing everyone in its path. God I hoped my dad or James wasn't one of those people, I looked down at my lap, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. My head sapped up as I heard the horrible sound of metal ripping, there was distant screaming as the Titanic ripped in half, the bow slipped under the surface and the stern crashed into the water before sinking. I watch in horror as the ship of dreams sunk into the depths of the Atlantic ocean.

Then there was nothing, no sound, just silence. Everyone was to cold and shocked to cry, there was no splashing or signs of life in the water, just silence. That's when I heard it, I lifted my head and strained my ears, I heard it again. It was a plea for help, it was barely audible, but I heard it. I looked over the side of the boat, a few feet away a figure in a white life vest was trying desperately to swim to the lifeboat. " There's someone still alive over there!" I shouted at the crew member, " we need to help them!" He quickly grabbed the ores and rowed in the direction I was pointing, he stopped the boat when we were close enough to pull the person in.

The crew member grabbed the persons life vest and struggled to pulled them in, I rushed to help him. The person was a girl with a slender frame and blonde hair,she was shivering uncontrollably and her lips were turning blue which meant hypothermia was setting in. A few of the older women went over to her and tried to dry her off, they rubbed her limbs to get some circulation back. The crew member wrapped her in his coat and a women in her mid twenties hugged her close.

The crew member lifted the lantern next to her face and asked her what her name was, she tried to speak, but she was to cold. The crew member moved away, but kept the lantern up. I looked closer at the girl, she had shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked oddly familiar, was that, Alyia?

No! I thought, she'll die. She can't die, I only knew her for a few days, but I felt like I had known her forever. She was my best friend. I hated myself for thinking that way, but I couldn't help but worry. What if I lost her too?

I went and sat beside her, she looked at me, shivering. There was a glint of recognition in her eyes, " L..Li..Lil..y" she stuttered, I gave her a small smile and she let out a sob, burying her face in my neck. About a half hour later,Alyia lifted her head off my shoulder,

" I'm so damn cold!" she exclaimed quietly, I giggled," I know" "Lily, if I die of hypo- whatever you need to-" "You're not going to die" I said firmly, she gave me the same look she gave the crew member who was in our way "let me finish. If I die, you need to promise me one thing." I raised my eyebrow at her, " kiss James the next time you see him, okay?" " Alyia!" She grinned at me, " I thought you were going to ask me to speak at your funeral or write your will, but not that!" She laughed "promise me" "no I won't promise you, I met him what? Four days ago?" "Fine, I'll just die unhappy then" she said turning away from me with a smirk on her face "so dramatic" she grinned at me and put her head back on my shoulder.

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