Hidden Features

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When you came to, a Hydra soldier was patting you down while you were strapped to a chair. "Wanna buy me dinner first." You said groaning, this may not be your first time in ropes or tied up, but Carol never did it this hard. Well there was usually a safeword. This time, the safe word is 911.

"Ah, the Commander has woken." A random shadow said. "Who the hell is it this time? Another ghost?" You said raising a brow. "Ah, you've guessed right, imbecile." The Red Skull appeared out of the shadows. The right to you, was a large screen. "Soon, we will trade you for the mass destruction of Manhattan." The Red Skull said as he circled you.

Somewhat ten minutes, your team popped up on the screen with Fury, hands crossed, angry sitting in the head chair you usually sat at. "Ah, Mr. Fury, we have your member and if y-" The Red Skull was cut off by an angry director. "Listen here motherfucker, I have a team of super-fucking-humans. 13 on this earth. That 'member of my team' right there has a lot of people looking out for her. You can either choose to let the agent go, or face consequences." Fury said leaning on the table.

You had already gotten a knife from your bra and began cutting. Carol noticed, that and whispered to Tony. "Oh, are you little fools whispering? Like a little school kids." The Red Skull teased. "Oh what are you looking at Mr. America." Schmidt said to Steve. Everyone on the team had PTSD, no one talked about it. Steve's PTSD was made in history.

You broke free of the ropes, you quietly picked up the chair and knocked over the red ghost. "Fucking finally." You said pushing him aside. You locked the doors around you. "Rendezvous in the Hudson River." You said running off. "The Hudson River?"

Avengers POV
"The hell does that girl mean by in the Hudson River?" Tony said throwing his hands in the air. "I've got shit to do, you all are taking this." Fury said leaving. "Track down the location." Steve said still shivering from the sight of Red Skull. "Underground in Manhattan." Nat said looking at the computer. "Suit up." Carol said as everyone went to get ready.

You tried teleporting out of there, but it didn't work. It always works. Right now that didn't matter. You had just gotten your jacket and all your weapons and ran. You found some AKAs and shot a few men down. You noticed something. Something that should've been galaxies away. "Yonny?" You said as you found your brother troubling with a computer in a computer hub. "Haven't heard that since we were kids. I got your distress signal." Yon-Rogg said as he greeted you with a hug. "I'll be around. I have a station not far." Yon said closing the laptop and throwing it in a bag behind his back. "Come, we don't have much time." Yon said as he got ready to leave. "I have things to do. I can make it out. See you next time Yonny." You said, saluting to your brother. "I think after all these years, I'm starting to like Yonny." He said, right before running off into the halls.

A rough 30 minutes you were driving a high powered bike across the underground base. After running over a few soldiers you sped out of there and stopped at the gates. You checked your watch and noticed the time, "3:16 AM. Fuck." You said as you peddled to the river.

By the time you got at the bridge that went over the river. You dropped the bike and your belongings. "Y/N?" Nat said behind you. "What happened? Are you ok?" Carol asked you moving to the front. "Ignore those questions, first, why are we at a river?" Tony said as he landed and turned his helmet off. "Cap, gimme your shield." You said taking the old man's shield and started beating at a old thick tree. "N- ok that wasn't a question." Steve said as you hammered the vibranium against the tree. "We're here to destroy the environment?" Peter said questioning everything that was happening. "Is there," You grunted knocking a large piece of wood off "still a environment to protect." You said as a final price of wood came off showing a safe inside a tree. "Y/N, please, explain what the hell is going on!" Stephen yelled as you shot open the safe. Inside was 10 syringes. You put the box of syringes in your bag immediately. "So we're doing drugs now? Finally-" Tony said right before his husband smacked his arm. "The Russians are after me again." You said picking up the bike. "We have to get back to the tower before they figure out where I am." You said as you began to get on the bike, before you could Carol stopped and offered to give you a ride. "Wait Y/N WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THE RUSSIANS-"

The Russians may have been after you, but Natasha and Wanda were proud of their otp.

Back at the tower
"Back in 09' went on a mission to Russia. Fury assigned me this. I had to go in on the Russian mob, I did drugs with them, I assassinated Ian Thompson. At the end, I took the data they took from SHIELD, a little money and sold them out. They told me they'd comeback for me and I guess it's finally happening." You said as you layed down on the couch, opening your bag and taking out the box faster than the speed of light. "Ok, the Russians are after you but what happened to you when they took you captive?" Wanda said laying down next to you. "I don't know. My last interaction with them didn't go so well, so I planted this." You said taking a syringe out of the box. "In the Hudson fucking River?" Tony said crossing his arms. "No one goes there at night because someone was murdered there. A old alias of mine." You said as you blew on the dusty box. "Someone stab the syringe on the dot." You said pulling up your sleeve. "Y/N, no! No one here is stabbing you." Carol said perking up. "JARVIS get DUM-E in here." You said commanding JARVIS. "Yes Ms Y/N . He's in his w-" "JARVIS, no." Tony said as he took a step closer to you.

"Leap of faith I guess." You said before anyone could stop you, you had injected the needle. You passed out, your head hitting the floor. Earning a couple screams from Peter. "Y/N!" A voice that sounded like Carol came racing towards you. She placed you on the couch.

She lightly smacked your face a few times to wake you up. Someone that felt like Peter's hand checked your watch that measured your heartbeat. A average for you was 120. You came to, Carol holding your head in her hands, Peter at your side. "Serum... truth... power interaction." Was all they could make out of your slurs. You tried getting up, your regular mind trying to get in control, the serum had the wall. The wall is like this for 3 hours. "3 hours." You said struggling to get up, you grabbed at the nearest armrest and sat down on the empty recliner. "It appears we have 3 hours of Y/N saying the truth." Vision said as he floated towards you. Carol put a leg on her knee and asked you what happened when you were captive. "Injection.." You said making a whoosh noise right before taking a swig of vodka in your flask "Skrull technology." You said about to take another swig before Wanda snatched it away with her magic. "Someone get a cup of coffee. She needs to be sober." Wanda said as Vision went to make a cup of black coffee. You hissed at the word "sober".

Vision was setting the cup on the table before you plucked it out of his metal hands and chugged it down. You slammed it on the glass table right next to you. "Are you sober now?" Steve said raising a brow. "Yes." You said slumping back in the chair. "What happened in captivity?" Stephen asked, as everyone took a step closer to you. "They strapped me to a hospital bed and then took a bunch of blood. Put in some weird stuff into my bloodstream. I blacked out, and then I woke up." You said as Bruce all of a sudden frantically went to go to the lab.

They asked you a few questions, then Bruce came back with a empty needle. "Ah, just get it over with so I can get it all over with." You said lazily putting your arm out and closing your eyes. "Should we be worried?" Peter said, worrying about your conscience. You gave the kid a small salute to let him know you were okay. But truthfully, you were far from ok.

Bruce put in the needle and took the small sample of your blood and went to the kitchen. "What, you're using my blood as a seasoning now?" You said turning around to Bruce who was rushing towards you with a blood tester. "It's hers." Bruce said looking up to everyone.

"Oh well, now that the serious stuff is out of the way we can have fun!" Tony said sarcastically, as you tried to escape but were too tired. "This 3rd on my list why I hate truth serum." You said groaning.

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