Billy Tells the Pack

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Billy Pov:

I hung up the phone and pinched the bridge of my nose.
It was great talking to Charlie, for once, instead of Bella.
"Dad, you okay? Did Bella call again?" Jake asked me. My brilliant, wonderful son.
Bella has been so depressed and have been using Jake to get better.

"Yes, but that was Charlie. Apparently, his niece is moving to Forks."
"I didn't know Charlie had a niece." Sam said.
"Well, he does. He doesn't get to see her much since she lives in Mystic Falls, Virginia and her parents are in charge of the town."

The boys looked intrigued. Jake especially, which is weird, since he only saw her once when they were younger.

"Why is she moving here? Like we don't have enough trouble with the redhead." Jared said, with Paul nodding his head, agreeing with him.

I understand their reasoning, but this was not their choice to make.
"Her father died less than a week ago, her mother took over from him as the mayor of Mystic Falls and she thought a change of scenery would be a good thing for her. Besides maybe she can help keep Bella in control."

That stunned the boys into silence.

"On the other hand, if she can get Bella to stop harassing us, it would be great." Jake said.

When he turned and learned the truth about Bella and the Cullens and thought things through, he knew that she was just using him to get better.

When I thought back to Tyler, I remembered some of our lesser known legend about the lycanthrope.

"You might need to keep an eye out on Tyler."

"Who's Tyler and why?"
"Charlie's niece. Her name's Tyler Lockwood. And because of the legends surrounding her family."

The pack looked at me in confusion, Jake more so than the others.

"But dad, I grew about hearing and learning about all the legends of our tribe. And not one of them mentioned anyone named Lockwood."

"Because this legend is different. This is the truth about a whole different species. In the end of June in 1864, a man named George Lockwood travelled from Mystic Falls to Forks to build a safe house for his family and to protect their future family from harm. But something about George's scent drove the pack in to investigate further. They watched his house, followed him wherever he went to find out the truth and if he was a danger to the tribe. One night, the pack saw George leave his house in a hurry with a bag over his shoulder as he disappeared deep into the forest and further up to the mountains. The pack tried to follow George, but somehow George managed to hide from them. They didn't see him again until the next day, when he returned to his home, tired and exhausted, clothes covered in dirt. A few days later, a young woman was found dead in the forest. Many people blamed the wolves. It looked like she had been ripped open. Since George Lockwood was a good man, a war hero and an important man, they could not arrest him nor even touch him back then. But now, things are different."

"So we have no idea what we're up against here?" Sam asked.
"It's possible, that she could just be a regular human girl, but with her family's history here, and the fact that the Lockwoods haven't really left their hometown since George Lockwood, but she is coming here to stay, apparently."

"Maybe she can helps us figure out what George was, I mean she is his relative, and he must've written something about what happen down somewhere." Embry said, using his big brain for something. He used to be a straight A-student, but protecting the tribe is a first priority, though him changing was a shock to us, his mother is not from this tribe, so his father must be.

"Just keep an eye on her. Make sure she is not a danger to herself or others."

During our whole conversation, I noticed Jake look fascinated in the story. It is said that the wolf side of our spirit warriors have a certain pull towards their imprints, but having an imprint is also supposed to be a rare thing. But Sam had already found Emily and Jared had found Kim.

Maybe Tyler would be Jakes' imprint.

One can only hope.

"Well, anyway Charlie will probably bring her down here to meet us and you guys as well, maybe bring the girls around, you know, to make friends."

"But what about Bella, if Charlie brings her here, she will never leave." Jake said and Embry nodded.
"Yeah, she sticks to Jake, like she did with Cullen. Like a drug addict. It's really creepy."

"I'll talk to Charlie and make sure he only brings Tyler. Maybe Bella could take a weekend away at her friends or her mother's house."

"Let's hope so. I'm kinda excited to meet Tyler. It would be nice to have a friend that's not the pack. Don't get me wrong. I like the pack, but It would be nice to have someone outside the pack to talk to, someone who hasn't been inside my head. A chance to be a little normal. But I also kinda feel like I need to know her and to protect her." Paul said, while the rest of them agreed.
"You too, man?"
"Same here."

"Maybe your wolves are pushing you towards Tyler, because she is a future imprint."

"I guess we'll see." Sam said, as the rest of guys left, and Jake went to the fridge, looking for something to eat, not finding much.

"How about you and I go grocery shopping, son?"

Jake turned to me and smiled big time, mostly at the thought of getting food.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan. We haven't done anything just you and me in a while."

We both smiled and left in the hunt for food.

Jacob Black x Female Tyler Lockwood ( The Vampire Diaries x Twilight xover)Where stories live. Discover now