Can learning increase your money earning?

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                        Is it true? I can learn faster even if I was not born a genius? That I can earn more if I will be able to improve my learning style? The answer is YES! When we were born into this planet, we do not know nor remember anything. As we grow and age, we adapt and start to absorb the things in our environment that we regularly observe. We take in and follow the lessons taught to us by our parents, families, teachers, mentors, friends and personalities that we allow to have an impact and influence our lives. Plus we also have a unique set of inborn talents, skills, abilities and traits that are built in our core.

                     With this said, we came into this earth knowing nothing about how this world works. We has to learn everything. From speaking, walking to using computers and the work we do in our offices - almost everything is learnt. Of course others are faster learners than some, but we all get there in our own time.

                     First let us define learning before we study how to learn it. Learning is an increase in knowledge gained through experience, study or being taught. It is a measurable or relatively permanent change in behavior, knowledge or skills as a result of acquired experience, facts, observation or opinions. The amount of new knowledge or skill learned depends on the manner of input and speed of mental processing of an individual. And we can tweak that, help give our brain a boost. This is where learning style comes in. Learning styles are based on individuals that have different stimulus sense modalities, from which they prefer to absorb, retain and process new information.

                  Whenever we learn something new, we feel like a smug pug right? That is because learning is a sense of achievement that also improves our lives.

                  Whenever we learn something new, we feel like a smug pug right? That is because learning is a sense of achievement that also improves our lives

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                    Now some of you might relate when I say that we would want to have a better sate that this pug's thug life. I have nothing against thugs (unless if they hurt or do crimes) and I definitely love pugs. But inorder to earn more money, have more self confidence, getting your dream job; you will need to learn a lot of new things and you better learn them FASTER. That is why we need to find out our LEARNING STYLES.

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