Intrapersonal Learners

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An Intrapersonal Learner is:

Someone who prefer to study alone. They are very introspective and reflective and prefer to sit alone and focus their thoughts on the topic at hand. They need alone time to process new information. You are an Intrapersonal Learner if:

Are comfortable with yourselves.

Express strong like or dislike of particular activities.

Communicates your feelings well. 

Sense your own strengths and weaknesses.

Show confidence in their abilities.

Set realistic goals.Make appropriate choices.

Follow their instincts.

Below are tips for Intrapersonal Lerner study tips:

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Below are tips for Intrapersonal Lerner study tips:

 Independent study

Set achievable goals for yourself so you may accomplish what you want

Be in a secluded place where you can focus on your thoughts and ideas, and focus on the task at hand

Utilize books, websites, videos and other resources that you can easily use for studying independently

If in a group project, then either ask the teacher if you can work independently, or decide on doing a part of the group work on your own that does not need the participation of other group members to complete it.

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