Author's Notes

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Authors notes:

I greatly enjoyed researching and writing this for you all. I wanted to impart my humble knowledge and God given talent along with my ideals and principles to others, in the hope that I can help may this world a better place. August 8, 2018 I was surprised that I can still write worthy poems after not writing for around 11 years. Yup that is right. My last written work was year 2007 on our university publication The Guild at my alma mater Western Institute of Technology Iloilo, Philippines. I was a writer/ contributor for our paper and after graduation I got so busy with life and different jobs that I totally forgot about my passion and love for writing.

Since I was given a 2nd opportunity to still use my gifts and abilities, I decided to put this in good use. Hence I created my Instagram poetry page inkbloodd. My vision and mission now is: Passion, Purpose, Productivity and Profit are the key cores for me writing these poems, books and other creative stuff in the hopes that some of the profit I make from these; I can donate to World wild life fund, Polar bears international, Animal rescue groups etc and other organizations/individuals to help protect and save Planet earth and its inhabitants. Though I have already started a humble regular donation with Save The Children Foundation but I believe I or WE CAN DO MORE TO HELP.

Pls leave me a comment, reaction or any suggestions as what you would like next to read from me. Thank you.

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