Chapter 12: Condolences

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"You're done with your shower?" Tom's skin was still warm and damp and his hair dripped with clean water instead of the water of the lake as he wrapped his arms around Harry's narrow shoulders. Dropping a chaste kiss on his forehead in answer. "Are you going to head out right away?"

"I have to, love. It's going to get dark before I get back if I don't." Though he seemed reluctant to release him. "I need to get everything today because I don't want to waste a moment of tomorrow away from you."

"Maybe I should come with you?" Harry tilted his head back and happily received the second kiss which Tom placed on his lips. "Since you seem to want to keep me close at hand."

"That's not necessary. I think that you've had enough exertion for one day, doll. Remember, Harry, that you're still recovering from your struggle with that damned disease."

At the mere thought of the sickness that had nearly taken his life he could see Tom's hackles rise. The raven reached up to soothe him, stroking his face and crooning softly until the tense set of his muscles relaxed.

"I know, Tom. I know that I'm still technically unwell, even if I feel fine, and that I need to rest. If you really think that its better I stay behind then I'll stay behind. After all," he smiled, "I wouldn't want to miss our anniversary because of over exerting myself doing something trivial or foolish."

Tom pressed his lips to the inside of Harry's wrist for a brief moment before he finally let go and stepped away.

"I will do my best to collect everything we'll need quickly so that I can get back before sundown. Keep all of the doors locked and the windows closed while I'm gone, alright? I don't want anyone or anything able to get to you."

"I know."

"I'll leave you this." Tom pulled something from his waistband and set it on the coffee table; Harry's eyes widened when he realized what he was looking at. "Just in case you end up needing it."

"Tom, what did you bring a gun up here for? Where did you even get that thing?" Harry had picked his feet up and drawn his knees to his chest, eyeing the pistol as if it might suddenly sprout legs and fangs and attempt to crawl up his pants. "That thing is legal isn't it?"

The brunet chuckled and ruffled his black hair. "Of course, love, and the safety is on as well. I brought it up here because, though they are uncommon, there are black bears and other large predators around here. And coyotes though those aren't usually a problem. Basically just keep in mind that you shouldn't run towards anything that sounds like a woman being murdered."

"Because there might be an axe wielding psychopath on the loose?"

"No. Because it's not a woman being murdered. It's a mountain lion marking its territory." Harry paled. "As for where I got it: the gun safe in my office room."

"How many do you have, Tom?"

"A few; I used to hunt back when my father was still alive, before you made me stop remember? I brought you back that black leopard pelt from Kenya and after you buried it in your parent's back yard you refused to speak to me for a month." Tom ran a hand through his hair. "Sometimes I still think you'd have done better as a Green Peace activist than an editor for National Geographic magazine."

Harry wrinkled his nose at him. "I don't like guns, Tom. Please don't leave that thing with me."

"I don't like feel comfortable leaving you without it, darling. Not so far away from other people without any cell reception to speak of."

The raven whined but relented. "Alright, if it really makes you feel better about leaving me alone here I'll let you leave it with me but only if you promise to take it and put it away as soon as you get back. I really don't like guns, Tom!"

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