Chapter 15: The Dinner

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"How was your day?"

"Normal." Tom sank into one of the armchairs in their sitting room with a groan, loosening his tie and undoing the first few buttons on his shirt. Dragging his hands down his face in an effort to chase his exhaustion away. "Draco was acting odd today. Of course, with him, that sort of behavior could be for any number of reasons."

"Here, love." Harry passed him a mug of coffee which he gratefully accepted.

"Thank you, Harry. I needed this."

"I can imagine." The little raven circled around his chair and propped his head on his lap. Tom looked down at him with a raised eyebrow. "You have been working an awful lot, Tom. An awful lot. I'm worried about your stress levels."

"I have been working a lot, but with the job that I have hours and high stress is to be expected." Tom stroked his fingers through his hair. "And there isn't all that much that I can do about the matter with the corporate dinner coming up."

"Yes, about that corporate diner," Harry dragged his fingers lightly along the inside of his thigh. "I was thinking..."

"You were thinking?" Curiosity and desire warred with each other for space on his face.

"I was thinking that, since it's been so long since anyone has seen me, since I've mostly recovered from my illness, since you've been working so much that maybe we could have the dinner here?"

"You want to have the dinner here, love?" he smirked as Harry gripped his knees to push himself up. Crawling into his lap and leaning in.

"Oh yes, I really want to baby."

"You want to have the dinner here?"


"You want to cook for all of us?"

"Oh, yes!"


The emerald green of his eyes was almost entirely devoured by the black of his blown pupils. "Yes, Tom. Please. Let me cook dinner for all of you. I really, really want to."

"You really want to?" The raven arched his back with a kittenish mewl as Tom ran his hands over his arse. "Show me."

"Show you?"

"Yes, doll. Show me. Show me how badly you want this."

"Oh, I'll show you." Harry tugged him up out of the chair by his tie and pushed him down onto the couch. Mounting his hips as he pulled the bottle of lube from between the cushions.

"Someone came prepared for this." He purred as Harry leaned over him, hurriedly undoing the buttons of his shirt.

"Always come prepared if you really want to get something done." He ran his hands over his chest as he attached his mouth to the brunet's jaw. Pushing him deeper into the leather cushions of the couch. Nibbling on his neck as Tom slipped his hands up under his shirt. Teasing his nipples erect until Harry grabbed his wrists with a quiet growl.

Tom chuckled. "Someone is certainly controlling." He slipped his hands down out of his shirt and gripped his hips instead. "I get the feeling that I'm going to be bottoming today."

"Yes." He wriggled out of his pants and tossed them carelessly aside onto the coffee table. "And no."

"Oh?" Tom lifted his hips, making wrestling down his pants a bit easier on the raven. "And how does that work?"

"You'll see." Gripping the brunet's fully hard length in one hand, he began clumsily preparing himself with the other.

"I'll see?" his thumbs rubbed circles into the flesh of his hips. Gaze roving over the view above him. "I see a lot."

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