Chapter 17: Fugue

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The Riddle House was a massive stone building built in the style of a classical English manor, its roof adorned with numerous chimneys and walls crawling with emerald green ivy. Its sprawling grounds were well kept and the landscaping was beautifully done. Ron and Hermione both stared at the home in awe as Draco pulled the car onto the Serpentine gravel drive.

"I can't be certain, but I don't think he's here at the moment. The jaguar is the car that he always takes to work and he always parks it in the drive." He turned off the ignition and pushed open the door. "Come on; we should try and get out of here as soon as possible. Harry asked Tom to give me a day off, hence why I'm not stuck in the office today, but he also asked Tom not to work so much as well so he could potentially show up at any moment."

The pair quickly got out of the car and fell in behind Draco as he headed up the steps of the front porch and knocked on the door. The sound of rapidly approaching footsteps could be heard from inside moments later, and then the wooden door swung open with a low creak of old hinges and the little raven peered out from around it.

"Draco." He chirped happily, breaking out into a wide smile. "Tom did as I asked and gave you that day off, then? Only took him almost a week."

The blonde shrugged. "I'm sure you've heard from him that the firm is insanely busy. We had to wait until things calmed down enough to allow us to leave the office." He said. "Is Tom at work?"

"Oh, no actually. He took the day off as well, on my orders. He's a mess with how much he works all the time; will kill himself if he isn't careful." Harry said. "He ran out to the grocer to get some ingredients for dinner tonight. And because we ran out of the correct Pinot Grigio to go with the dish that he plans on making. But he should be back in the next twenty to twenty five minutes if you'd like to speak to him about something."

"Oh, no Harry we're actually here to speak with you about some fairly important matters. May we come inside? Maybe have a drink?"

"Of course, Draco. You should have told me I was hovering in the door; ever since the treatment stuff like this has been getting away from me." He stepped aside to let them in. The foyer was small and dim, the furniture surrounding them was wooden and clearly antique. "The kitchen is this way; it's a bit brighter in there than in the dining room. I hope that the three of you don't mind."

"Lead the way."

The three of them pursued the little raven down the hallway and into the kitchen. Sunlight streamed through the giant windows of the French doors onto the checker board tile flooring. He motioned to the stained wooden table that stood nearby.

"Have a seat; we have, let's see, water, ice tea, a couple different types of soda, coffee, beer, and practically every wine ever made in the cellar except the one that Tom ran out to get."

"Beer; whatever you have in the fridge. This is the type of situation that calls for an informal drink."

"Right. You too?"

"Oh, um, we're nineteen tea?"

"Coffee is fine."

If Harry noticed the way that the two of them were staring at him he gave no sign of it, puttering around the kitchen and returning with the requested drink and a can of soda for himself.

"Are you going to introduce me to your friends, Draco?" he sent them both a somewhat cockeyed glance. "Have we met before?"

"Yes, mate, we have. It's me, Ron. Ron Weasley. And her? She's Hermione." The bushy brunet stepped on his foot under the table but Ron ignored her. "You really don't recognize us?"

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