Melody Of The Wild

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Hey guys! Well, this is my first ever story on here, and I so hope you like it! :) Please vote and comment. Thanks! ^-^ :D

I moved silently through the darkening forest, eyes bright, ears pricked and wary. A rustle in the bushes to my left signled my packmember was there, and I smirked, already knowing without scenting the air that it was Goldfang, the large, cumbersom wolf who couldn't move quietly if his life counted on it. A loud thud and muffled curses proved me right. I bit in my laughter, calling out is a hushed shout,

"Quiet, Goldfang, else they'll know we're here!"

"Oh, you can shut up, Kyrae," he snapped. I chuckled softly.

"Quit it, you two," a snarl tore through the forest. We instantly silenced to the Alpha's command.

"There!" Cyrena, a youngster, this her first misson, cried out excitedly. I had seen the movement ahead, signalling that the Rogue was there, but it had now vanished, having heard her voice. I spun around to scold her, but our Alpha was already there, baring his teeth and lunging at her. Cyrena whimpered, lowering herself to the ground and exposing her white throat. Our Alpha snarled at her, From now on, we will speak through mind-link, seeing that my pack obviously can't do the simpliest of tasks and keep quiet! He snapped in mind-link. Me and Cyrena nodded oblingenling, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Goldfang nodding as well, the gleam of gold from his fangs, hence his name, glinting in the dark. Come on, I thought. He's still around here, I can smell him. Our Alpha, Kizabane, nodded. I was the best tracker in the pack, nothing could escape my deadly eye. I could track a python's path over a rock, a bird's flight in a snowstorm, anything. The others say I go in sort of a trance, and I suppose I do, I guess. I lowered my head, picking my way silently through the undergrowth. A slight scattering of leaves alerted me. The leaves had recently fallen, and it can't have been from the wind as it was only a small pile that had been disturbed, signalling that someone had sat here. A little further on, a broken branch on a tree, then a brown tuft of fur caught on some thistles. Finally, I saw a figure up ahead. It was tense, poised to flee, and I could see it was starving. Here he is, guys, I reported through the mind-link. Kizabane, predicting Cyrena's movement, lunged forward, grasping her scruff and hauling her up in the air before she lunged forwards.

Kyrae, circle around and drive him towards us. Cyrena, go to his left in case he tries to run that way. The thorns on his right will block that route. Goldfang, stay here with me, and prepare for battle. I could hear the smile in my Alpha's thoughts. I nodded, On it, Alpha. I moved quietly round to the opposite side of the rogue, then waited for Kazabane's single. Go! He cried in mind-link. I bounded forward, letting out a loud growl. The Rogue leapt up, running towards Cyrena, and she made her apperance, snarling vicously. The Rogue yelped, spinning around and racing right into Goldfang and Kazabane's claws. I followed, nipping at his tail. Suddenly, the undergrowth next to me seemed to explode as another wolf leapt up. I scented it, fury flooding through me.

Another Rogue! I cried. Well don't just stand there, you idiot, Kazabane snarled. Go get him! I leapt away, racing after the other Rogue, but he had a head start and was getting away. Suddenly, as if out of the blue, a massive oak tree reared right in the Rogue's path. He skidded to a halt, narrowly avoiding crashing into the tree. I slowed down, but continued to race up to him. He stared at me, face full of fear and horror. "Please don't hurt me!" He whimpered, lowering himself onto his belly. I snarled, advancing, now in a walk. "You are tresspassing on Pack Territory," I growl. He looked up at me, then let out a loud bark. "NOW!" Abrubetly, another wolf lunged from the undergrowth to my left. He landed on me full on, and we rolled around and around. I struggled, giving him a vicous bite on his shoulder. Then, in one sudden movement, he sprang off me, and was gone, along with the other Rogue. No! He's getting away! Came Cyrena's wail in mind-link.

It's a set up! I cry, furious. My packmates burst through the undergrowth and skidded to a halt at my side. Where did he go!? Kazabane roared, pacing. I don't know, but the other one got away, too, I reported. Kazabane turned to me, eyes alight with fury. Got away? Why did you let him! And the first Rogue, he came this way, too... He stared at me. You let them get away! You're on their side! He howled. I stared at him.

What? No way! I am on the pack's side, why would I be on the Rogue's side!? I cried, voice laced with bewilderment. But Kazabane was advancing on me, eyes dark with rage. You are no longer with this pack, traitor, he snarls. I stared. This was a joke, right? Some cruel, twisted joke. I knew that he was intent on finding the first Rogue. Why? Because the first Rogue was a former packmember, and, betraying the pack, had been exiled. But he had come back, hunting on Pack Territory and attacking Pack wolves, so Kazabane was him dead.

You are a traitor, he snarls, lunging at me. I yelped, leaping back, turning to stare at Goldfang and Cyrena. They were looking as bewildered as I was. This pack is pure, no traitors allowed. He lunged again, teeth closing around my ear. I cried out, jerking my head away. I knew Kazabane was crazy, but not this crazy. But I know his trust had been shattered. Why? Because the Rogue we were hunting down-the first Rogue, used to be Kazabane's best friend. His name was Chazeran, and Kazabane was planning on making him Beta. Chazeran wanted to "walk" with Kazabane, right before the cermerony. Kazabane agreed, and they went out alone in the forest. But Chazeran had planned an assassination attack on Kazabane, wanting to become Alpha. They fought vicously, but Kazabane had Alpha training and won, driving Chazeran away. He has since believed his whole pack are traitors, but he has come to trusting now. Well, so I thought..

Leave now, Kyrae. Leave now, you filthy traitor! Kazabane howled. I stared, before spinning and bounding away before he tried to attack me again. As I did, I felt my mind-link fading away. Wait! I howled. But my last link with the pack was gone. Suddenly I realized how quiet the the forest was. Quiet and... lonely. I wanted to howl my despair to the moon, howl my lonileness and confusion. Howl my melody of the wild. But I had to leave pack territory, I was now... Rogue. The thought was strange. I was running away from my pack. The wolves I had howled with, our voices entwining, the wolves I hunted with, bringing down prey with the help of my pack. The wolves I trusted... I now feared. Confusion crashed down on me. What will I do now? I thought with a pang. I could find a new pack. Find my soul-mate. My tail lifted slightly, yes, I'll do just that. Find my soul-mate and find a new pack, a pack that doesn't accuse me of being a traitor. I passed the pack scent line,  but I didn't even hesatait. I am now free!

How was the first chapter? Should I keep going? Please vote and comment! ^-^ I promise it will be more interesting, I know this one was a bit boring. Should I make them shorted? Longer? Or just the same? Comment what you think! :D

Thanks guys!


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