Chapter 30

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Unknown pov:
Damn!!!!!! I should have known this all along. Her dad died??!!! How come? I did all my research right and none brought out the fact that her dad was ever sick. How could I have missed that fact?
I should be there for her during this time. It should be me she would cry to, wrapping her dainty hands around my neck not that man.
I do hope for her sake that that guy is just a friend; he seems so close to her. I wouldn't put it past him to develop feelings for her. But she is mine and mine alone.
I should put my plans in action immediately. I can't let her slip from my fingers when I'm so close to achieving my plans.
Various thoughts ran through my head on how to approach her. Its not like I could just walk up to her and announce myself and my intentions of being with her. I have to take it slowly- girls love a man who can plan and that is exactly what I'm doing.
I have been too relaxed, I have to make a move fast if not I will lose her.
The more I looked at them, the more my anger grew- they were hugging so tight as she sobbed on his chest while he was whispering some words to her and repeatedly kissing her forehead. This is not what I envisioned at all. She is mine and mine alone; noone can take her away from me- not under my watch; I won't allow that. I pulled away from the cementry in deep thoughts to go home as I thought about what to do next

I got home and dashed inside to go over my plans again and again. All over my room, there were over a hundred pictures of her- only her. I can't get her out of my mind, its like she's stuck there permanently or something. I looked at the small board at the corner of the room where I wrote down my plan and so far so good, I've followed everyone of them and the next one was to reveal myself to her. But how can I do that????
Its not like I can just casually walk into her office, I would need to have an appointment. I thought about several things to do but they didn't just quite fit. I can't just meet with her, she would have to meet with me- that's the only thing that would work. But would she want to meet with me??? That's the big question. Nobody would want to meet with a stranger- well, I'm technically not a stranger but she doesn't know that yet.
I have to come up with a sordid plan if I want this to turn out in my favour. Just then, a brilliant plan popped up in my head.
Yes!!!!!! I was going to do that. That would work. It has to work. I would do just that.
I rushed around to put my plan in place and when everything was set, all I had to do was just to sit back and watch everything play out by itself hoping on that one phone call.

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